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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Betrays Partners, Funds More Propaganda

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____/ Homer on Thursday 02 October 2008 17:41 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Chris Ahlstrom spake thusly:
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Rob (flatty) Schwenk belched out this
>> bit o' wisdom:
>>> IMNSHO, your anti-MS posts harm Linux advocacy rather than help it.
>>> A bit more quality would be a good step forward for you.
>> Who needs "quality"?  The links speak for themselves.
> Again the Trolls think that shooting the messenger will somehow kill the
> message.
> And this school-yard "you're just a hater" gibberish, that paints a
> picture of Microsoft as a poor; defenceless victim of unwarranted
> attacks by mindless bigots, conveniently overlooks the fact that there
> are highly justifiable /reasons/ to hate Microsoft, given their gangster
> mentality and behaviour. Just ask the DOJ.
> But I guess some people think that kind of behaviour is perfectly
> acceptable, and therefore anyone who dares speak out against it is
> simply bigoted. What these stupid Trolls fail to realise (or more likely
> simply have no scruples about) is that people who defend this immoral
> behaviour by attempting to stigmatise its critics, only serve to align
> themselves with that immorality, and assume guilt by association. Of
> course, in most cases they probably /are/ guilty, since these people are
> part of the same Shillcosystem that perpetrates these immoral/criminal
> activities in the first place (yes, Shilling is now a crime, in the EU
> at least). At the very least, they're guilty of crass stupidity; naivety
> or malice (or possible a combination of all three).

Microsoft's new slogan: everyone is as "evil" as us.

Another one: let's live in peace (but tomorrow we'll attack you from the

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useful fact: close elevator button = Express Mode
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