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Re: Cringeley on

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____/ bbgruff on Sunday 07 September 2008 21:49 : \____

> nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> <Quote>
>> "What Google does not want is Microsoft creating a browser that sucks.
>> Actually, Google doesn't mind if Microsoft's browser sucks. What they
>> really don't want is Microsoft to make a browser that sucks and
>> everyone ends up using it. And, if the IE8 beta shows us anything,
>> making a really sucky web browser is Microsoft's true ambition.
>> "Google's main concern is quite simple: Browsers should render pages
>> accurately, and the JavaScript engine in the browser should be fast,
>> efficient, and bug free. On both counts, IE8 is an abomination.
>> JScript just doesn't behave very well and is buggy. And, IE's page-
>> rendering engine simply does not follow the standard. Because of this,
>> Google has to keep development on their Google Applications quite
>> generic and simply cannot implement the features they want. You'll
>> also notice that Microsoft recently has been putting on some very
>> compelling web content that is only available if you use Windows and
>> IE."
>> </Quote>
>> http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/2008/pulpit_20080905_005415.html
> Absolutely, nessuno.
> As I see it, all this (Chrome) has nothing at all to do with browsers per se.
> Rather, it has to do with browsers as a way of delivering web apps.
> M.S. could foul that up for Google on I.E., and Google wouldn't be able to do
> much about that.
> Google needs *one* browser for which Google is in the driving seat, and for
> which it can make sure that standards are followed, and implemented
> sufficiently and efficiently enough to use Google apps.
> Once Chrome is out of beta, Google will simply point to it, and say "If I.E.
> doesn't work with Google Apps, just download Chrome"
> The code is open, and nobody should have much trouble following suit.
> Hence Google probably don't even need to release Chrome for Mac or Linux
> (though I'm sure they will) - they just need to have Chrome available for
> I.E. users to switch to if MS doesn't toe the line on browser standards.
> Neat:-)

I haven't seen any writers yet hitting the point about OEM ties. Google, unlike
Mozilla, has decent ability to get computer shipped with Chrome preinstalled
(I think Dell UK already does this with FF2). gOS is an example of an O/S
that's shipped to facilitate Web applications.

- -- 
"There's a lot of Linux out there -- much more than Microsoft generally signals
publicly -- and their customers are using it..." --Paul DeGroot, a Directions
On Microsoft analyst.
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