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[News] Microsoft Treats its 'Customers' Like Garbage

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Xbox points

,----[ Quote ]
| I tried to buy some points the other night, in order to buy Braid and 
| probably Castle Crashers, and the system barfed. We can't authorise your 
| card, or some such. Bla bla. Peter B was over at the time, and guffawed with 
| sympathetic indignance: he's experienced much the same, and said, oh just  
| google Xbox Points Problems and you'll see you're not alone.   
| I just got off the phone with my credit card company, and it went something 
| like this: 
|     "Oh yes, we're sorry your card got frozen, but you tried to make a 
|     purchase from Microsoft, and it got flagged as a potentially criminal 
|     activity."   


Phipps: "Alice explains that it's Microsoft's own behaviour that leds to their
customers' credit cards being suspended and then Microsoft declining
transactions as a result on XBox. Fail."

There are no faceless corporations

,----[ Quote ]
| I hate to break it to you, but corporations are just groups of people. 
| Corporate policies are written by and enforced by people. Stockholders are 
| people. Employees are people. Customers are people. Corporations are giant 
| networks of individuals. True, they exist in a very complex arrangement, but 
| they are individuals.    



Top 10 reasons why Microsoft's Xbox 360 Customer Service is "teh br0ken".

,----[ Quote ]
| So there you have it Microsoft, the Top 10 reasons your support
| system is "teh br0ken", from my admittedly short experience with
| it. When I'd assumed a company of your size would set the standard
| for customer service, I didn't mean the standard by which to do
| better than...
| I realize it's probably no great revelation that their customer
| service sucks, but come on, why can't they fix this? Can they
| only fix simple things? That makes them useless for people with
| "real" problems.


Another Xbox Support Nightmare 

,----[ Quote ]
| We seem to be receiving an increasing number of horror stories from
| Xbox 360 owners who have had to call Microsoft's Bangalore-based
| tech support call center. When your reason for calling is a
| bricked console, one would think it would be a painless and
| quick procedure to get the thing replaced or repaired.
| Apparently not the case, according to Brent from Consumerist.com


Xbox 360s Still Dying, Customer Service Still Crap

,----[ Quote ]
| "They'll handle everything, they're great. They'll even pay for shipping
| and Fed-Ex it for you. That's what they did for my systems (yes, plural)
| when they died."

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