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[News] Big Vendors Sell GNU/Linux PCs, But Small Players Thrive Too

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ZaReason (and Other Independents) Outshine the Big Boys

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell, ASUS, Acer, and all the other bandwagoning coattail riders are getting 
| all the headlines for selling desktop Linux preinstalls, especially on this 
| new netbook wave. Sure, having Tier 1 vendors on board means wider exposure 
| for Linux, and for a lot of people more legitimacy. It's exciting and cool, 
| and the price and feature competition is a nice thing.    
| But let's not forget that these bandwagoning coattail-riding party-crashers 
| are very late to the party, and have been whining and foot-dragging and 
| making excuses for years why they couldn't sell Linux PCs. If you wanted to 
| buy Linux preinstalled on a computer, you had to find an independent shop. 
| Which wasn't easy, because if they also sold Windows then they were under the 
| eye of Sauron just like the big vendors, and were punished for selling Linux.      


Don't underestimate the factor of threats [1,2]. Many OEM did not 'snitch'.

[1] "I’m thinking of hitting the OEMs harder than in the past with
anti-Linux. ... they should do a delicate dance"

- --Joachim Kempin, Microsoft OEM Chief

[2] "We should whack them [Dell over GNU/Linux dealings], we should make sure
they understand our value."

- --Paul Flessner, Microsoft


ZaReason's MegaLap is a desktop replacement with an Ubuntu twist

,----[ Quote ]
| MegaLap, a notebook computer from ZaReason, a company that builds and sells 
| computer systems that run Ubuntu, is bound to give its owner bragging rights 
| at any LAN party, especially with how loud the system can get. It has the 
| hallmarks of on-the-go computing, while performing comparably to a desktop 
| gaming system.    



Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple of years ago you reiterated that IBM was Microsoft's biggest 
| competitor and you said not just on the business side, but overall. If I ask 
| you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have 
| to go with that. 


Microsoft's SEC:

,----[ Quote ]
| A prominent example of open source software is the Linux operating system...
| To the extent open source software gains increasing market acceptance, sales 
| of our products may decline, we may have to reduce the prices we charge for 
| our products, and revenue and operating margins may consequently decline.   

http://www. microsoft.com/msft/SEC/default.mspx

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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