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[News] Flash Player 10 for GNU/Linux Almost Ready

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Flash Player 10 Coming Around the Final Bend

,----[ Quote ]
| Adobe has issued its second release candidate of Flash Player 10, which 
| should be approaching the finish line. Developers have not only fixed a 
| number of bugs, but added a few new features.  



Adobe releases AIR for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Adobe today released AIR for Linux. AIR is Adobe’s platform that allows to
| create rich internet applications that run on most platforms.
| This release of AIR is beta version that is mostly feature-complete. Previous
| versions of AIR in Alpha form lacked many of the features of the Windows and
| Mac versions.


Adobe AIR for Linux Beta is out!

,----[ Quote ]
| We just released the beta version of Adobe AIR for Linux on Adobe Labs!
| This Labs release of AIR has all features implemented for Linux, except
| support for DRM and badge installations. Major new features include support
| for system tray icons, keyboard shortcuts, localization, internationalized
| input (IME support), filetype registration, SWF and PDF in HTML,
| multi-monitor support, fullscreen mode, encrypted local storage, support for
| V4L2 cameras and printing.


Get some AIR on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Adobe Air alpha for Linux only runs on systems using the .deb or .rpm
| packaging system. Officially AIR also only runs on RedHat Desktop Linux 4,
| RedHat Enterprise Linux v5, Novell Desktop Linux 9, SUSE Linux Enterprise
| Desktop 10 and Ubuntu 6.06 but we successfully installed it on Ubuntu 8.04.  



Adobe to launch AIR 1.0

,----[ Quote ]
| A version of AIR for Linux is expected later this year, he said. Adobe will
| also create versions that run on mobile devices in the future.


Adobe AIR on Linux: Pre-Beta Testers Needed

,----[ Quote ]
| As of today there have only been releases of Adobe AIR for Windows and Mac
| but Adobe is committed to also delivering a version for Linux. This is great
| news for developers like me who use Linux as their primary desktop operating
| system.  


Adobe Pushes DRM for Flash

,----[ Quote ]
| Now Adobe, which controls Flash and Flash Video, is trying to change that
| with the introduction of DRM restrictions in version 9 of its Flash Player
| and version 3 of its Flash Media Server software. Instead of an ordinary web
| download, these programs can use a proprietary, secret Adobe protocol to talk
| to each other, encrypting the communication and locking out non-Adobe
| software players and video tools. We imagine that Adobe has no illusions that
| this will stop copyright infringement -- any more than dozens of other DRM
| systems have done so -- but the introduction of encryption does give Adobe
| and its customers a powerful new legal weapon against competitors and
| ordinary users through the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).        

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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