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[News] A Look at VMware's Claim of O/S Obsolecence

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VMware proposes a new kind of OS

,----[ Quote ]
| In some respects, VDC OS is merely the next rung on the VMware hype ladder. 
| After all, if the media is predicting that OS vendors will put you out of 
| business, preemptively proclaiming the death of the traditional OS is a 
| decent tactic. If you look past the marketing, however, VDC OS is actually a 
| fascinating concept. If VMware manages to achieve half of what it promises, 
| it could have significant implications for application developers and 
| customers alike.      



VMware's hypervisor to go open source?

,----[ Quote ]
| He expressed admiration for how the open source model encourages
| participation by anyone regardless of where they are located, but he didn’t
| say whether VMware will actually open source ESX.


VMware chief says the OS is history

,----[ Quote ]
| The VDC OS is an attempt to extend the use of virtualization beyond the
| server, where it is widely used today, and apply the same principles to all
| the other hardware in a data center, including network switches and storage.



Dell to stuff hypervisors in flash memory

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell CTO Kevin Kettler today confirmed these plans during a speech here at
| LinuxWorld, saying the company expects to see major performance and
| power-saving improvements by dumping a hypervisor in flash. Customers will
| basically "boot to a virtual machine-ready" state, he said.  


Virtualization: Linux's killer app

,----[ Quote ]
| Think about it. Even Microsoft supports running Linux on its Virtual
| Server product. Why would it do that? Wouldn't an OS partitioning
| technology, such as that used by OpenVz or Sun Solaris, be more in
| keeping with the kind of homogeneous environments that Microsoft
| would like to see? Why would Microsoft invest its resources to
| support a virtual machine technology that can only open the
| door to Linux in the datacenter?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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