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[News] Biden and the MAFIAA Against Technology, Defence Attorney

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RIAA Decries Attorney-Blogger as 'Vexatious' Litigator

,----[ Quote ]
| The RIAA said Beckerman, one of the nation's few attorneys who defends 
| accused file sharers, "has maintained an anti-recording industry blog during 
| the course of this case and has consistently posted virtually every one of 
| his baseless motions on his blog seeking to bolster his public relations 
| campaign and embarrass plaintiffs," the RIAA wrote (.pdf) in court 
| briefs. "Such vexatious conduct demeans the integrity of these judicial 
| proceedings and warrants this imposition of sanctions."      


Obama backtracks on technology

,----[ Quote ]
| It now appears that the changes to the Science, Technology & Innovation 
| position now reflect the position of both the Senator and his running-mate 
| Joe Biden. Biden is a sock-puppet for the entertainment industry and has a 
| history of proposing laws that favour security forces' demands for snooping.   


"I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the
public good."

                                        --Adam Smith


ISPs Set To Wage Privacy War on their Own Customers

,----[ Quote ]
| And the impetus for this destruction of our democracy is ... paranoid and
| greedy media companies, a.k.a. the MAFIAA ®, who "lobby" government to
| pervert our society for their own selfish ends.


Under Pressure, ISP Admits Secret Web Snooping in Kansas

,----[ Quote ]
| Internet service provider Embarq eavesdropped on the web surfing habits of
| 26,000 customers in Kansas without notifying them personally, as part of its
| test of new, controversial advertising technology that profiles users, the
| company told federal lawmakers Wednesday.


Controversial Ad Network Caught Editing Wikipedia

,----[ Quote ]
| Phorm has been beset by controversy for years over its business model and
| quietly-run trials on British Telecom's (BT) broadband service.

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