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[News] More Migrations to GNU/Linux and Free Software in the East

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Mampu aims to adopt open source tech for cost savings

,----[ Quote ]
| The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit 
| (Mampu) aims to enhance cost savings by implementing an open source software 
| system in all 724 agencies under its management in the public sector by early 
| next year.   
| The agency’s deputy director of ICT policy and planning division, Tan King 
| Ing, said Mampu has to date recorded total savings of over RM47mil after the 
| adoption of the open source system in 462 agencies.  


Reaping the benefits of open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, CIOs of enterprises need enterprise-class support. The growing 
| adoption of Open Source in enterprises like LIC, Axis Bank, Central Bank of 
| India, Bharti (Airtel), mission critical portals like Naukri.com, Yatra.com 
| etc. point to the growing support infrastructure for OSS. As users test and 
| deploy OSS, the demand for support is growing immensely.    



Malaysian Government Saves Big with Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Source in the public sector seemed to be all the rage in 2008, with
| government agencies all over Europe — not to mention agencies of the EU
| itself — adopting, and in many cases, mandating Open Source software and
| standards. Of course, Europe was not the only continent cozying up with a
| copy of the source code — governments in Africa, Asia, North & South America,
| and all over the South Pacific were exploring and implementing Open Source in
| 2008. Now, one of those governments has revealed the savings-side of OSS, and
| the numbers they're tossing around are pretty nice.



Malaysia seen as top market for open-source convergence

,----[ Quote ]
| Malaysia is a leading adopter of open-source convergence software, according
| to key speakers at the AsterConference 2008, held recently in Kuala Lumpur.


Let's complain about Microsoft restricting choice in the market (part deux)

,----[ Quote ]
| Yoon Kit wrote about being forced to pay the Microsoft tax when buying
| computers from computer manufacturers (eg Dell). I submitted a complaint to
| the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Affairs and received an official
| acknowledgment from the ministry that the Penang branch office will
| investigate the complaint.
| I strongly urge everybody who uses non-Microsoft operating systems on their
| computers bought from Dell or any other manufacturers to write in through the
| web interface and make an official complaint. Make your voices heard so that
| we can stop being forced to pay for software we don't use!


OpenOffice.org deployed in Malaysian Schools

,----[ Quote ]
| Just announced today (27 August 2008), The Malaysian Administrative
| Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) and the Ministry of
| Education (MoE) are working with the State Government of Terengganu to
| further increase the adoption of Open Source Software in government and
| schools. This is announced at the "Open Source Software Seminar for
| Accelerated Adpotion" held at Wisma Darul Iman, Terengganu.


Malaysia's Sabah State Government moves to OpenOffice.org too.

,----[ Quote ]
| In this very concise notice, Sabah's State Government has announced that they
| will be joining the OOo bandwagon!


Melaka City Council's OSS migration and savings

,----[ Quote ]
| In our ongoing series of Free and Open Source Software deployments in
| Malaysia, OpenMalaysiaBlog is proud to highlight the efforts of the City
| Council of Melaka. They were one of the first few departments to migrate
| completely to OpenOffice.org (98% of their 300 hundred seats. They need to
| retain a few copies of MS Office for some difficult proprietary files). Back
| in 8 December 2006, the Mayor of Melaka, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Zaini bin Mohd
| Nor, presented "Successful Deployment Of OpenOffice In The Public Sector
| Seminar" and was very enthusiastic about OpenOffice.org.


The State of Kedah moves to OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| A case study submitted to the Open Source Competency Center by the Center of
| Information Technology, Office of the Chief Minister and State Secretary of
| Kedah, has indicated that OpenOffice.org has been installed in 70% of the
| computers in the Kedah state government agencies. There are currently 2,202
| installed seats and by the looks of it, the numbers will just keep rising!


The entire State of Pahang moves to OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| Its just been made official that the State of Pahang is migrating all its
| productivity suites to OpenOffice.org. This succint memo from the State
| Secretary of Pahang entitled "Perlaksanaan Penggunaan Perisian OpenOffice.Org
| Di Semua Agensi dan Pentadbiran Negeri" (translated: "Implementation of
| OpenOffice.org suite in all State Agencies and Administrative centres")
| outlines the reasons for migrating, the benefits and how to proceed.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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