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[News] "Sweden: Municipalities Upset About Microsoft Lock-in"

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- From Groklaw:

,----[ Quote ]
| The nine municipalities have sent a letter to Aditro, Tieto, pulse, 
| Bluegarden, EDP-Consultant, Sirius IT, EBI-Systems, Logica, IST and Kordab 
| with a copy to Mats Östling for Sweden and Regions, SKL. The letter calls on 
| the suppliers of business systems to open applications, so they are not so 
| hard linked to Microsoft Office. Municipalities are informing their suppliers 
| that in future procurement of software and systems they will require more 
| transparency and support for both pdf and odf, the supported file formats in 
| OpenOffice. [Translation by Google, edited lightly by PJ.] -        



Red Hat scores Swedish pharmacy contract

,----[ Quote
| Apoteket, the pharmacy network, will convert to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
| running on Intel hardware, Red Hat said. Financial terms of the deal were not
| disclosed.  


Open source tour of Europe: Sweden

,----[ Quote ]
| Other state projects include Apoteket Sweden’s largest state-owned pharmacy
| chain, which migrated to Red Hat Enterprise Linux at 900 pharmacies as part
| of a move to Intel hardware, and the Swedish Armed Forces’ deal with Red Hat
| to enable migrations from Windows NT to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


ODF approved as Swedish Standard

,----[ Quote ]
| Without making a press release or public announcement the Swedish Standards
| Institute has formally approved ODF 1.0 as a national standard. Only the “SS”
| prefix in SS-ISO/IEC 26300:2008 give away the status of the document.


Sweden: ODF made national standard

,----[ Quote ]
| The Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) approved the Open Document Format (ODF)
| as a national standard, the ODF Alliance reported this week.
| "Sweden now joins Brazil, Croatia, Italy, South Korea, and South Africa as
| countries whose national standards bodies have formal approved this
| standard", the ODF advocacy organisation writes in this week's newsletter.



Microsoft admits Swedish employee promised incentives for Open XML support

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp. admitted Wednesday that an employee at its Swedish subsidiary
| offered monetary compensation to partners for voting in favor of the Office
| Open XML document format's approval as an ISO standard.


Is there a correlation between Socialism and Free Software ?

,----[ Quote ]
| And as far as Sweden is concerned, it is ranked as the 4th least corrupt
| nation in the world. A clue that it's people lead contented lives. And Sweden
| enjoys an ultra low unemployment rate of around 4% which is the least in the
| European Union.


A Virtual Open Source Center to Nordic Countries

,----[ Quote ]
| The initiative was confirmed during the Norwegian IT-minister Heidi
| Grande Roys' visit in Finland. The leader of COSS, Petri Rasanen,
| stated that the steady operation of COSS is a good base to build
| the international collaboration on, and for example the web site
| of the new center will be based on the COSS portal.


Microsoft managed to buy the vote of Sweden in ISO?

,----[ Quote ]
| When a friend of mine arrived, it was clear that it all was stuffing going on
| from Microsoft side. All Microsoft partners in Sweden was at that meeting.
| People against OOXML got an offer to leave the meeting without paying the fee
| (not becoming a member). Everyone left, including IBM that thought it all was
| a farse.


The Swedish OOXML vote has been declared invalid!

,----[ Quote ]
| The swedish working group at SIS, Swedish Standards Institute, Document
| description languages SIS/TK 321/AG 17, decided in a vote on August 27, 2007,
| to vote yes to making Office Open XML an ISO standard. Today, the board of
| SIS decided to invalidate the vote.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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