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[News] Microsoft OOXML Corruption Revisited: British Standards Institution (BSI) Does Not Read Specs

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft OOXML Corruption Revisited: British Standards Institution (BSI) Does Not Read Specs
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 08:18:42 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Open XML, the standard that was not

,----[ Quote ]
| He may be wrong that this is the final proof of misconduct at the BRM under 
| the lead of Alex Brown and its mission impossible to fix the standard. 
| Following the shocking uncoverings Jesper Lund Stocholm, Alex Brown and Doug 
| Mahugh are acting like little school girls with their gossip and giggles on 
| Twitter. But there may be method to the madness. OOXML is already approved by 
| ISO JTC1. Microsoft no longer needs to persuade the national bodies or 
| influence the press or call out their business partners. It is enough for 
| them to rely on social engineering in SC34, shmoozing, sponsorships, free 
| dinners, free beer, etc.        
| The reporting of Groklaw about the Microsoft outbursts of unfiltered truth 
| and sillyness made Alex Brown hit back to BRM allegations and he claims the 
| British BSI did not do its job, didn't review ODF properly:  
|     Fact is though, we (the team) did NOT read ODF - we merely made a rapid 
|     pass through parts of the text over half a day, looking for obvious 
|     problems. Even so, the UK generated by far the greatest number of NB 
|     comments. This fact tells you all you need to know about the degree of 
|     scrutiny ODF got in its JTC 1 ballot. If you believe it was studied in 
|     detail in the UK, you are very wrong. … We learned from our ODF mistake, 
|     and rectified our errors [with open xml].      
| Pamela Jones of Groklaw answers to his flamebait:
|     Now, as it happens, I have formed the impression that you and the the MS 
|     elves want to "interoperate" with ODF so Microsoft forces can take it 
|     over, since even you must now realize that OOXML will never work and will 
|     never be adopted.   



The OOXML fight continues: here's one way you can help

,----[ Quote ]
| The UKUUG officially voiced many of the objections that were flying around at
| the time (and still are):
|     * The BSI approved fast tracking OOXML in the absence of a revised draft
|       despite over 1000 comments to the original draft.
|     * Doing so undermines wider faith in the standards bodies themselves.
|     * Fast tracking approval in the absence of a single implementation of the
|       format—even from Microsoft—is hard to justify.
|     * Rejection of the fast track is not rejection of the standard which
|       should be given greater consideration before approval.
|     * Fast tracking a proposed standard requires a high level of consensus.
|       Something distinctly lacking with regards OOXML.


Israel rebukes US: Our copyright laws are fine, thanks

,----[ Quote ]
| Israel wants the US government to know that it won't implement laws banning
| the circumvention of DRM and it won't rewrite its ISP safe harbor rules;
| furthermore, neither of these issues should have any effect on trade
| relations between the two countries.
| [...]
| Canadian law professor Michael Geist wishes that his own government would
| respond this forcefully to the Special 301 process.


Has OOXML Broken the British Standards Institution?

,----[ Quote ]
| That the BSI, long the quintessence of standards in this country, should see
| itself dragged through the courts over something as apparently minor as a
| document standard, is truly an extraordinary development. But of course it is
| not a minor issue: at stake is the question of how something as central to
| technology and business as standards should be decided. Unless people have
| complete confidence in the process, the end-result will be deemed worthless –
| truly, little more than a “rubber-stamping”.      
| A good start along the road of bolstering confidence would be making the
| standards-setting process completely open, which currently it is not. The
| practice of voting on an open standard behind closed doors borders is simply
| not justifiable in the age of the Internet and of increasing openness in
| general. And as the UK government loves to remind us: if you have nothing to
| hide, you have nothing to fear....      


UK standards body taken to court over OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| The British Standards Institution has been taken to court by a group of Unix
| users in an attempt to get the standards body to recant its approval of
| Microsoft's Office Open XML document format.  
| The UK Unix & Open Systems User Group (UKUUG) said on Thursday that the
| British Standards Institution's (BSI's) controversial decision to vote for
| approval of OOXML in a recent International Organization for Standardization
| (ISO) ballot followed a flawed decision-making process.  


BSI faces High Court challenge over OOXML U-turn

,----[ Quote ]
| OSC director Mark Taylor told The Register that the UKUUG and chums
| were "very confident that the BSI has a case to answer". He claimed
| that "they haven’t followed procedures and we want them to explain their
| controversial actions".  
| However, even if legal action against the BSI leads to the UK standards body
| being forced, in the form of mandatory orders, to withdraw its vote to the
| ISO, its impact could be muted.  
| Taylor agreed: "Should the BSI be asked to remove its vote, that in itself
| probably won’t change the outcome."
| He added that the group hopes to see individuals in other countries mount
| similar challenges against national standards bodies in order to force the
| ISO to "sit up and take notice".  


MEPs Question Microsoft's Eligibility for Gov't Projects

,----[ Quote ]
| The Commission, which has not responded yet, is allowed a few weeks to reply.


Is Microsoft Now Banned from EU Contracts?


Euro MP thinks Microsoft should be banned from government contracts


Green MEP says Microsoft should be excluded from EU contract awarding procedure


EC probes OOXML standards-setting process

,----[ Quote ]
| A spokesman for the European Commissioner for Competition, Neelie Kroes, told
| The Register that regulators were continuing to scrutinise interoperability
| issues related to Microsoft’s products following complaints from the
| Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) group.  
| As part of that process, the EC formally contacted a number of national
| standards bodies, including the Norwegian Standards Institute (NSI),
| requesting more details about possible irregularities in the OOXML
| standardisation process.  
| [...]
| “It must be stressed that it is not the Commission's intention to influence
| the outcome of this process, but the Commission considers it essential to
| ensure that European competition law is not violated in the course of the
| standard setting process,” he said in an email to El Reg.  
| In January the EC began formal anti-trust probes against Microsoft in two
| cases where it was alleged that the multinational firm had abused its strong
| market position. As part of the investigation into the first case, the
| Commission said that it would scrutinise OOXML on the grounds that the
| specification doesn't work with those of competitors.    

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