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Are micoshaft unsellable xp preload netbooks piling up with retailers?

Are micoshaft unsellable xp preload netbooks piling up with retailers?

Certainly looks like!

The western retailers have thousands upon thousands of unsellable xp
netbooks in stock whereas ALLLLLL of the good Linux netbooks are GONE and
not in stock within hours and days.

Like PISTA, tt must be hell for retailers to be choosing windummy OSen crap


For each unsellable xp netbook there should be on the shelves a $30
cheaper Linux equivalent. 


Not likely. Not in the West.

It used to happen.

Not anymore.

Time for competition commissioner to investigate. Customers are being
ripped off again while they sleep drunk on tax payer money as usual.

All the cheaper Linux netbooks shipments are being diverted
to the Far East where sales are strong and we are being
left with crap.

I have money to buy powerful Asus Linux netbooks but nothing on the Linux
shelves - they went out of stock 4 weeks back - any good Linux stock thats
come in is gone again like last year within hours!

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