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[News] IBM Push Moves Free Software Closer to Healthcare

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IBM, Mayo Clinic Unveil Medical Data Initiative For Open Source Developers

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM and the Mayo Clinic have partnered to offer the open source development 
| community a crack at their new natural language processing (NLP) initiative, 
| the Open Health Natural Language Processing Consortium.   


IBM, Mayo Form Open-source Health IT Consortium


IBM, Mayo Clinic team on Web site for open-source language systems


Mayo, IBM look to open source to promote EMR extraction efforts



Rewiring the VA

,----[ Quote ]
| Much of the attention of the healthcare industry over the past several weeks
| has been focused on Washington and the various proposals before Congress to
| boost the faltering economy, including spending billions of dollars
| subsidizing health information technology.
| [...]
| The question is whether the Veterans Health Information Systems and
| Technology Architecture, or VistA—the clinical information system that powers
| the VA health system—will wither or bloom in the months and years ahead. It’s
| an issue that has implications not only for millions of veterans but also
| millions of other potential users of open-source and proprietary versions of
| VistA, both in the private and public sectors in the U.S. and abroad.


'Rockefeller Amendment' for Studying Open Source in Stimulus Bill

,----[ Quote ]
| About page 701 of the stimulus bill is a provision for studying Open
| Source: "...(A) the current availability of open source 6 health information
| technology systems to Fed7 eral safety net providers (including small, rural
| 8 providers); 9 (B) the total cost of ownership of such sys10 tems in
| comparison to the cost of proprietary 11 commercial products available; 12
| (C) the ability of such systems to respond 13 to the needs of, and be applied
| to, various pop14 ulations (including children and disabled indi15 viduals);
| and 16 (D) the capacity of such systems to facili17 tate interoperability...'


GNUmed Live CD 0.3.9 released

,----[ Quote ]
| A new GNUmed live CD is out. With the help of this CD one can test drive
| GNUmed without altering the currently running environment such as operating
| system. No installation necessary.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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