After takin' a swig o' grog, Tom Shelton belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> On Apr 3, 1:36 pm, Homer <use...@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Being forced to support Microsoft as an inevitable consequence of one's
>> employment, where one did not actually choose to work on the Microsoft
>> "stack" from the outset, is one thing, but the "honour" of MVP is not a
>> "job", it's an "award presented by Microsoft [to] exceptional technical
>> community leaders ... for _voluntarily_ providing technical expertise
>> towards technical communities supporting Microsoft products or
>> technologies." [1]
> Yep. I spent a lot of time helping others - for free, on my own
> time. Sounds really, sinister to me.
It depends how you approach it... as a technician, or an evangelist.
Anyway, Tom's one of the last guy's I would ever feel in any way bad about
for pushing a Microsoft-related solution. He's the kind who pushes good
technical solutions, whatever their source.
Your fly might be open (but don't check it just now).