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[News] The MAFIAA Attacks Its Smaller Competitors

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Recording Industry Lobbying Group Pushes Congress To Tax Radio Stations More

,----[ Quote ]
| MusicFIRST's latest effort was to drag its dog and pony show to Congress, 
| where it paraded a bunch of musicians in front of Congresscritters to whine 
| about how unfair it was that radio stations helped promote their music 
| without paying them.    


EMI Continues Suing Innovators And Their Investors

,----[ Quote ]
| EMI is making the situation even worse. Rather than just suing the companies, 
| it's also suing investors and the founders personally. This isn't just highly 
| unusual, it's a clear attempt to pressure these companies into settling, as 
| no matter how legitimate your stance is, it's quite a scary thing to be sued 
| personally, and potentially have personal assets at risk. Suing the founders 
| personally is legal bullying. It's a clear abuse of the legal system to try 
| to force a settlement, rather than an actual attempt to raise a legal issue.       



US politicians back Act to save internet radio

,----[ Quote ]
| A law that could save internet radio stations from having to make payouts
| they claim will cripple them has been approved by the US House of
| Representatives and is expected to pass into law.


Internet radio strikes deal with music Mafiaa

,----[ Quote ]
| Previously, online radio stations would pay $0.000768 for each copyrighted
| tune they played, but in 2007 the US Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) tried to
| increase that figure by up to 1,200 per cent, which sent many a well-loved
| wibblecaster scurrying for the hills.


The Internet Radio Death Watch

,----[ Quote ]
| Don't forget, vast illegal file-sharing networks are still operating just a
| few clicks away. The RIAA's legal Whac-A-Mole has barely slowed them down. If
| this unfair royalty scheme kills off legal, legitimate businesses like
| Pandora and the recently shut-down Muxtape, those users will simply go
| somewhere else. And that destination is more likely to be BitTorrent than a
| record store. The record industry may think it is killing off Internet radio,
| but it's merely opening Pandora's box.


Pandora Reaching Its Epilogue?

,----[ Quote ]
| Many are predicting the upcoming demise of the company as a result of a
| federal panel ruling ordering them to pay twice the royalties to artists that
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| they already were.


Pandora can't make money, may pull the plug

,----[ Quote ]
| Buckling under the weight of the Internet radio royalty hike that
| SoundExchange pushed through last July, Pandora may pull its own plug soon.
| Despite being one of the most popular Internet radio services, the company
| still isn't making money, and its founder, Tim Westergren, says it can't last
| beyond its first payment of the higher royalties


Royalty fee 'to damage net radio'

,----[ Quote ]
| Hundreds of US net radio stations face potential closure from Monday when
| they will be expected to comply with a new royalties ruling for playing
| music.
| Smaller stations face a payment increase of 1,200% while larger station could
| owe up to 300% more, lobby group SaveNetRadio has said.

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