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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft, in Debt/Near Debt, is Milking Fired Employees

On 2009-02-23, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> ____/ Sinister Midget on Monday 23 February 2009 14:32 : \____

>>    Dear MICROS~1,
>>    Due to an administrative error, people who purchased machines in the
>>    last year or two have been charged twice for licenses when opting to
>>    have XP as a replacement for Vista. A further error caused those who
>>    never even booted any version of Windows in the last 10 years to be
>>    charged for the license they never used.
>>    This was clearly a clerical error, causing people to pay for things
>>    they didn't get, and others to pay for things they didn't use when
>>    they refused to agree to the enclosed license. We ask that you
>>    refund the overpayment and apologize for any inconvenience to you.
>>    If you choose to declare bankruptcy and to go completely out of
>>    business instead, we'll accept that as equal settlement.
>>    Sincerely,
>>    Defrauded Customers
> I received an E-mail from a lobby of Microsoft investors some days ago. They
> wanted to keep me in the loop, having received some press.
> There will be an article in IDG soon where Ballmer and Gates are compared to
> Madoff.

And why not? They've been running a bigger ponzi scheme far longer than
Bernie did.

Winning isn't everything, but losing isn't anything.

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