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Re: [News] Abuse of Intellectual Monopolies Does Not Work for Slaughterhouse

On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 06:25:46 +0000, Homer wrote:

> Rodeos, bullfighting, fox hunting ... it all amounts to the same thing -
> needless and heartless cruelty to animals, for our entertainment/profit.

I agree with you [Homer].
> For someone to engage in these vicious acts of cruelty at /all/, is bad
> enough, but to then assert /copyright/ on this cruelty is /beyond/ sick.

Agree again.

> It's worse than torturing and killing animals in the name of science. At
> least /that/ is productive, assuming one considers "testing cosmetics" a
> "productive" excuse to torture and kill helpless animals:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88kMJXphN0k

And again.

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