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Re: Microsoft time sync appears to be down ..

On 2009-02-15, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> ____/ Doug Mentohl on Sunday 15 February 2009 18:06 : \____
>> We have received several reports today of Microsoft's Time Server being
>> unreachable at time.microsoft.com.  I checked at my location and it is
>> indeed unreachable from Iowa ..
>> http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=5866
> Maybe it's all those worms quietly biting on Microsoft. Support site,
> microsoft.com, time.microsoft.com... all down around the same time...

Maybe they were all affected by the leap second from 2 months ago.
Probably the disks were thrashing and the CPUs were overloaded. So they
just finally noticed that they had an unhandled problem signal, and
took the time to deal with it when things calmed down a little.

Excuse my english. I went to US public school.

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