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[News] [Rival] Press Ignores Microsoft's Cyber-Destruction

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I Give Up. Windows Is Proof That People Are Too Stupid To Use Computers.

,----[ Quote ]
| And too stupid or dishonest to report Microsoft Windows as the defective 
| disaster that it is. If it were any other type of product it would have 
| banned from every country in the world long ago. The BBC reports the latest 
| Windows Conficker worm outbreak in typical "oh no big deal" fashion, does not 
| identify this as a Windows worm until several paragraphs into the article, 
| quotes industry security vendors as though they were actually worth listening 
| to and not useless weasels, and then blames end users:      
|     "The worm is spreading through low security networks, memory sticks, and 
|     PCs without current security updates... 
|     ""Microsoft did a good job of updating people's home computers, but the 
|     virus continues to infect business who have ignored the patch update... 
|     ""Of course, the real problem is that people haven't patched their 
|     software," he added.  
| Please excuse me while I go kick something. Of COURSE it's the users' fault. 
| They're still using this most expensive piece of defective crapware in the 
| entire solar system. But its incurable defects are not their fault. (We need 
| to give up the notion that such computer users can be rescued by Linux-- we 
| don't WANT them using Linux. "It is impossible to make anything foolproof, 
| because fools are ingenious".)     



With Vista breached, Linux unbeaten in hacking contest

,----[ Quote ]
| The MacBook Air went first; a tiny Fujitsu laptop running Vista was hacked on 
| the last day of the contest; but it was Linux, running on a Sony Vaio, that 
| remained undefeated as conference organizers ended a three-way computer 
| hacking challenge Friday at the CanSecWest conference.   

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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