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[News] Fedora GNU/Linux Scores 9 Out of 10

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Review: Fedora 10

,----[ Quote ]
| This month’s Linux Format Magazine includes Fedora 10.  I upgraded to Fedora 
| 10 a few months ago via a yum upgrade.  I started by looking at Xfce as I’ve 
| been using Xfce non-stop ever since starting “I’m Not Mad” in November.  Xfce 
| is much lighter than Gnome and I’m able to use Blender more effectively.  
| Fedora 10 comes with Xfce 4.4.3.  Overall, nothing major has changed on the 
| surface although I know they’ve been doing a lot of work under the hood.     
| [...]
| After writing this review I went in to read LXF’s review to see if I missed 
| anything.  The only other things they mentioned were that PackageKit and the 
| Printer Adding dialog were much improved.  I think PackageKit is a bit faster 
| and a few tweaks make it a better experience vs Fedora 9, but it’s not THAT 
| much of an improvement.  LXF gave Fedora 10/10 and I think I’d probably give 
| it a 9/10.  So check it out - if you’ve been burned by unstable Fedora 
| releases before, you’ll be pleasently surprised with Fedora 10.  And now, I’m 
| going back to Xfce….       


“Analysts sell out - that’s their business model… But they are very concerned
that they never look like they are selling out, so that makes them very
prickly to work with.”

                                –Microsoft, internal document


Days ago:

Fedora as Basis of Russia's Operating System?

,----[ Quote ]
| It's good news that Red Hat has had the opportunity to talk to senior
| government officials about open source - in this case, at the ministry of
| communications - but what's much more important are the specifics mentioned
| in the story:
|     На встрече обсуждался широкий круг вопросов, касающихся развития рынка
|     свободного программного обеспечения (СПО) и его практического применения
|     в действующих системах. Отдельно отмечена важность создания российского
|     сообщества разработчиков Russian Fedora, которое может послужить одним из
|     шагов навстречу создания отечественной операционной системы. Министр
|     отметил: «Мы считаем, что интеллектуальный потенциал российских
|     специалистов таков, что в России можно вести не только сборку, но и
|     полноценную разработку кода».

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