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Re: Comes exhibit px06632: Bill Gates Lobbies for Windows-only Intel

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> From:    Bill Gates
> Sent:    Fri, 8/27/1999 10:23 AM
> To:      Jim Alchin (Exchange)
> Cc:      Bob Herbold, Mike Porter (Exchange); Deborsh Willingham
> Subject: RE: Intel-MS joint press release on 64-bit Windows and Merced
> I feel very strongly about this - Intel has to be willing to show that their
> partnership with us on Merced is not just a me too relationship

Heh heh.

> We have invested more in Merced than other software companies and we will drive
> more volume and credibility for them than anyone else.

In our own opinion, of course.

> I don't know about "first to boot" - if it is true then we should say that
> In any case Intel should not just treat us as one of many. I feel strongly
> about that.

We're the leaders.  Put us in front.

There is no point in waiting.  The train stopped running years ago.
All the schedules, the brochures, The bright-colored posters full of lies,
Promise rides to a distant country That no longer exists.

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