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Re: [News] Video Editors for GNU/Linux: Plenty of Libre Ones

On 08/02/09 10:04, Attila wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Top 10 Free Video Editors for Ubuntu Linux
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | I earlier wrote about  Top 5 BitTorrent Clients for Ubuntu Linux, 7
>> | Awesome 3D Graphic Design Applications for Linux and 23 Free Ubuntu
>> | Linux Login Screens. Today I’m going to write about some of the best
>> | Video editing tools for Ubuntu Linux because Linux itself doesn’t offer
>> | any default or built-in video editor application but there are tens of
>> | third party software for Linux you can use to add effects to your videos
>> | and do a lot more.
>> `----
> Hi Roy,
> Is this Linux advocacy? I find the article misleading at best and bordering
> on the dishonest. These are NOT Ubuntu applications, not in the sense of IE
> is a Windows application.

No it's not really "Linux" advocacy, it's just free software advocacy.
Linux is almost a synonym for free software in general, so I don't think
this is off topic at all.

You do, however, point out some valid inaccuracies in the article. Most
free software is not specific to one operating system, so nothing there
is specific to Linux, even less so Ubuntu. Also I don't like the way the
author says "Linux itself doesn’t offer any default or built-in video
editor application". Of course it doesn't, Linux is a kernel. Maybe GNU
will adopt a video editor one day, though.

George Kettleborough

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