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[News] [SOT] UK Criminalises Protesters

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Why protesters are now stalkers

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the most heartbreaking articles I have ever read was a response column 
| published recently in the Guardian. Edward Countryman explained that he was 
| writing on behalf of his wife, Evonne Powell-Von Heussen, "who could not bear 
| to face" the unintended consequences of the thing she had created.   



Filming an illegal event is… illegal?

,----[ Quote ]
| Will recording or filming of events which are considered illegal in law now
| itself be considered illegal? This is what the Home Affairs Ministry seems to
| propose to amendments of the Films Act.


UK Citizens Worked Up About Broad And Vague Obscenity Law

,----[ Quote ]
| I have to admit that I've never quite understood the point of any sort of
| obscenity laws. Perhaps it's just my inner-libertarian, but why should the
| government be outlawing what people look at -- especially when it comes to
| such a subjective standard as "obscenity." Over in the UK, many people are up
| in arms over a new pornography law that is so broad and so vague that it
| could outlaw certain Batman comics, among other things.


Defining the Limits of Digital Britain

,----[ Quote ]
| Most importantly, beyond vague talk of “changing the rules” it says little
| about redefining *precisely* what people should be allowed to do with that
| stuff freely – for example, by setting down in law new fair uses such as
| being able to take back-up copies of any digital content, use in quotations,
| parody etc.
| At the moment, most people ignore the letter of the law, because the law is
| totally outdated, and the law generally turns a blind eye to them doing it,
| because it would be hard to arrest most of the country's youth, but that's
| hardly a solution in the long term.

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