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Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 7th of February, 2009.

  • Subject: Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 7th of February, 2009.
  • From: "Homer" <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 09:00:46 +0000
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:IpbAiI++7/JHFdmaHIqgodk0BiY=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Slated.org
  • User-agent: COLA Stats Engine
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:733691

ngstats.pl version 1.30

Written by Roy Culley.
Contributions from Mark Kent.
Modifications by Homer, 2007 - 2008.

This report covers 1004 articles received by this system to
newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy [1]
Toplist of Posters

 Pos  Poster                                          Msgs   Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     292  969022     5%
   2. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       103   89111    65%
   3. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>        100   40131    10%
   4. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>                         52  117178    19%
   5. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            38   42467    28%
   6. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@invalid.   36   65938    46%
   7. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        34   61919    27%
      Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>           34   39309    57%
   9. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>      28   36587    67%
      Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>               28  112393    24%
  11. Matt <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               26   32419    68%
  12. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    25   13606    59%
  13. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           21   29072    77%
  14. nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxx   17   29161    64%
  15. Lusotec <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>                       15   23480    51%
      Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>               15    3268    50%
  17. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>       14   17709    71%
  18. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     13   26300    73%
  19. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>              11   21413    51%
  20. The Lost Packet <jmthelostpacket@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   10   17171    69%
      ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>                         10   15046    72%
  22. Phil Da Lick! <phil_the_lick@REMOVETHISSPAMTRAP    8    8140    81%
  23. Rockinghorse Winner <rockinghorse@xxxxxxxxxxxx>    6    6426    73%
  24. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                               5    1460    67%
      hanukas <jukka@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                       5   10014    40%
  26. Joerg Schilling - 'Superior' Software Developer    4    5928    56%
      Greg Cox <gregc@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       4    7278    62%
      Robin T Cox <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>                    4    2883     6%
  29. Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             3    2748    84%
      nrballard@xxxxxxxxx                                3    3928    56%
Toplist of Subjects

 Pos  Subject                                                Msgs   Bytes
   1. Inconsistency in "Linux GUI" debunked                    51   70125
   2. The Real Gary M Stewart, in Case Someone Wants to        48   48645
   3. What does Donald Knuth and Microsoft have in commo       33   50249
   4. multiple distributions are a good thing ..               26   51965
   5. Windows Vista is a truly amazing piece of shit           23   20086
   6. Windows 7 To Skip Straight To a Release Candidate        22   40460
   7. What are Microsoft *really* good at ?                    21   55819
      O'Gara fuds up the SCO case ..                           21   30726
   9. Please name a cross-platform FOSS app that is fail       19   27069
  10. [News] Another Example of Ignorant Journalists Cov       18   30382
  11. Firefox Easter Eggs ..                                   17   23104
  12. XP sucks on SSDs                                         16   30975
  13. Bill Gates predicts the future ..                        15   24638
  14. Uncle Sam buys 20 teraflops BlueGene super               13   12485
  15. Microsoft's advice to the Obama administration ..        12   12277
      How come the asstroturfers post without nntp host        12    9418
      Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer ..                   12    7972
  18. Oh my oh my ... another Windows screw-up, and Linu       10   12933
      Linux Desktop Market Share in Feburary 2009: 34%         10    9765
      Fantastic! Vista7 (Video)                                10    9780
  21. kurd lures turkish military with x-rated spyware .        9    8362
  22. is it Windows 7 or KDE 4? ..                              8    4969
      "Sermo Malife" = Gary Stewart?                            8   12983
      Windows 7 To Skip Straight To a Release Candidate         8    5394
      HP has drops Linux for UK netbooks ..                     8   10948
      Microsoft-Sponsored "Net Applications" Hand-tweaks        8   15880
      Microsoft's long, slow decline continues                  8    6445
  28. James Kuyper of Microsoft: "Linux has many disadva        7    6503
      SOC: dear customer blah blah blah ..                      7    5214
      Microsoft?s long, slow decline continues                  7    5651
Toplist of Most Replied To Posters

 Pos  Poster                                                         Msgs
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     50
   2. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       40
   3. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        35
   4. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>                                        26
   5. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           21
   6. nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        17
   7. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>                     14
   8. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          13
   9. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       11
      Matt <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              11
  11. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>                              10
      Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              10
  13. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                    8
      William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           8
      Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                           8
      Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>                              8
  17. Greg Cox <gregc@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                      7
      Robin T Cox <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>                                   7
      ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>                                         7
  20. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                       6
  21. Joerg Schilling - 'Superior' Software Developer                   4
      JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                     4
      The Lost Packet <jmthelostpacket@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  4
      hanukas <jukka@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                      4
  25. nrballard@xxxxxxxxx                                               3
      Mart van de Wege <mvdwege_public@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   3
      George Kettleborough <g.kettleborough@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             3
      =?iso-8859-1?Q?M=E5ns_Rullg=E5rd?= <mans@xxxxxxxxx>               3
  29. Phil Klein <mr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                      2
      NFL Super Bowl Web server <Super@xxxxxxxxxxx>                     2
Toplist of 'Quality' Posters [2]

 Pos  Poster                                                        Index
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    134
   2. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        88
   3. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>                                        76
   4. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       74
      Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       74
   6. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>                              73
   7. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           72
   8. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          68
   9. Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                          67
  10. Lusotec <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>                                      65
  11. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   64
  12. Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              63
      Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>                             63
  14. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>                     61
  15. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          59
      nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        59
      Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                      59
  18. Matt <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              57
      ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>                                        57
      JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                    57
  21. The Lost Packet <jmthelostpacket@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 56
      Phil Da Lick! <phil_the_lick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     56
  23. Rockinghorse Winner <rockinghorse@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                  53
Toplist of Newsreaders

 Pos  Newsreader                                                     Msgs
   1. KNode                                                           430
   2. slrn                                                            173
   3. Thunderbird                                                     147
   4. BlackBerry                                                      100
   5. G2/1.0                                                           60
   6. Pan                                                              36
   7. Forte Agent                                                      20
   8. XPN                                                              15
   9. Gnus                                                              6
  10. MicroPlanet-Gravity                                               4
  11. tin                                                               2
  12. COLA Stats Engine                                                 1
      Mozilla                                                           1
      XanaNews                                                          1
      Microsoft Outlook Express                                         1
      Thoth                                                             1
[1]: Certain off-charter, abusive, anti-Linux or pro-Microsoft
     threads will be dropped, depending on their severity, and
     hence not included in the stats, which are provided by me
     as a measure of advocacy, not as a means of spreading the
     Trolls' lies and malice even further.
[2]: The poster 'quality' stats is based on:
       a) quoting: 100 - %'age quoted
       b) cross-posting: 100 - %'age cross-posted
       c) number of direct followups posters articles get
       d) troll feeding: 100 - 2.0 * %'age troll followups
       e) 75 deducted for known trolls
       f) for the humour impaired the quotes around 'quality'
          are intended to convey they are not to be taken too
          seriously :-)


| "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It 
|  is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." ~ William 
|  Pitt the Younger

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
 09:00:25 up 93 days, 16:43,  4 users,  load average: 0.47, 0.11, 0.04

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