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[News] Stunning New GNU/Linux Distribution for Sub-notebooks fro H-P

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First impressions of the HP Mini 1000 MI

,----[ Quote ]
| My surprise was total this morning when the FedEx guy rang my bell and handed 
| me a very small box.  That box had a brand new HP Mini 1000 MI netbook to 
| evaluate from HP.  The MI (or Mini Me) is the Linux-based model with HP’s 
| home-grown UI shell they call MI for Mobile Internet.  I haven’t been playing 
| with the 1000 very long but keep reading after the jump for my first 
| impressions and photos of the Mini 1000.     
| [...]
| This interface works very well and I found that I was getting things done in 
| mere minutes after firing the Mini 1000 up for the first time.  The web  
| browser is a Firefox variant that works as expected and I added the Foxmarks 
| add-on right away.  A minute after adding Foxmarks all my bookmarks and page 
| passwords had been synced with the server and my browsing environment was 
| like it is on all machines I use.  I was up and running at that point.    


Why HP's Mini 1000 Mi Edition is Important

,----[ Quote ]
| The fact that HP has spent time and money developing its new interface argues 
| that the company is serious about the GNU/Linux netbook sector. Its presence 
| bespeaks a new maturity of the marketplace – and perhaps a heightened 
| interest in open source at the company.   


HP's Ubuntu Netbook interface now available

,----[ Quote ]
| There are a lot of Netbooks on the market that are more or less the same, 
| save for some cosmetic details. One of the Netbooks that manages to stand out 
| from the pack is the HP Mini 1000 MIE, which sports a custom interface that 
| sits on top of the Ubuntu Linux operating system.   


HP's Mini 1000 Mi Edition Netbooks Get Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| HP has revealed that their Mini 1000 Mi Edition netbook will have Ubuntu OS 
| pre-loaded. To make things interesting, HP revealed a new custom Ubuntu Linux 
| user interface for their Mini 1000 Mi Edition netbooks. The price of the HP 
| Mini 1000 Mobile Internet (Mi) netbooks starts from $380 (Rs. 18, 000).   



Irate e-mails reveal HP, Microsoft strife

,----[ Quote ]
| A surprise decision by Microsoft jeopardized its relationship with PC giant
| Hewlett-Packard a year before Windows Vista's release, according to internal
| e-mails unsealed late Friday in U.S. District Court in Seattle. The messages,
| between top Microsoft and HP executives, shed new light on the
| behind-the-scenes turmoil that preceded the operating system's troubled
| debut.
| "You have demonstrated a complete lack of commitment to HP as a strategic
| partner and cost us a lot of money in the process," wrote HP executive
| Richard Walker in a January 2006 message to then-Microsoft Windows chief Jim
| Allchin. "Your credibility is severely damaged in my organization."


HP's Mini 1000: Sometimes a Road Warrior Needs a Good

,----[ Quote ]
| Most netbooks don't have the horsepower to run Vista, thus the older
| operating system. Some come with the option to have a Linux distro as your
| out-of-the-box OS. The Mini 1000 doesn't offer that option, but another
| model, the Mini Mi, has similar tech specs plus a Linux OS that HP
| calls "Mobile Internet." HP's warning: The Linux command line interface is
| disabled on that edition.


Hands on with HP's Mini 2140 netbook

,----[ Quote ]
| Luckily, HP also offers Windows XP and XP Professional on the Mini 2140, as
| well as SUSE Linux.


HP Updates Desktop Virtualization Software

,----[ Quote ]
| HP is also rebranding its desktop virtualization suite as the HP Virtual
| Client Essentials, and adding Linux support for its broker software, called
| Session Allocation Manager, which runs only on Windows today, HP said.


PC makers move closer to a post-Windows world


HP expands mini-notebook line in time for holidays

,----[ Quote ]
| HP is really going after "digital snackers" with a second model, the HP Mini
| 100 with MIE (Mobile Internet Experience). This model, available in January
| at a starting price of $379.99, does away with a traditional operating system
| in favor of an HP developed Linux platform that is designed for specific
| applications. You can get e-mail through a Thunderbird client, web browsing
| through a Mozilla-based browser and access to all your photos, videos and
| music.


HP revs netbooks: Attempts custom Linux OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Hewlett Packard on Wednesday rolled out a netbook lineup designed to play
| catch up with Dell, Asus and others. But the real interesting play here is
| HP’s move to develop a custom Linux operating system for one of its netbooks.


HP gets serious about Netbooks

,----[ Quote ]
| The HP MediaStyle interface is available on the Mini1000 MIE version, which
| comes with Linux rather than Windows XP like the other two models. MediaStyle
| sits on top of Linux and is a dashboard that takes users to music, IM,
| photos, videos, and the Web with one touchpad click, which HP says will
| shield users from ever having to interact with the open-source OS.


HP's 'End Run' Around Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| As Hewlett-Packard steps up efforts to make Microsoft's operating system
| easier to use, some want to devise a rival version with Linux
| [...]
| Others in HP's PC division are exploring the possibility of building an HP
| operating system for mainstream desktop and notebook computers based on the
| open-source Linux system, which competes with Windows, say people familiar
| with the company's plans. The goals may be to make HP less dependent on new
| releases of Windows, and to strengthen HP's hand against Apple (AAPL), which
| has gained market share with computers that boast innovative features and
| inspire a loyal following of users.


HP Works On Digital Photo Frame With Netbook Features

,----[ Quote ]
| HP is currently working on a new convergence device that aims to bring
| together the virtues of both the digital photo frame and netbook.

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