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[News] Former Microsoft Criminal Becomes Troll, Linux Defenders Project Rebuffs

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Transmeta IP sold to not-patent troll

,----[ Quote ]
| IV said it grabbed 140 US patents and "a substantial number" of pending 
| patent applications issued in the US and abroad. The firm intends to license 
| the technology to other vendors on non-exclusive terms. IV is run by former 
| Microsoft chief technology officer-turned-IP collector, Nathan Myhrvold. It 
| claims to have more than 2,000 patents in the semiconductor field.    


As Comes exhibits show, Nathan Myhrvold was part of the crimes.

Linux Defenders organize to fight patent trolls

,----[ Quote ]
| Are you tired of hearing of patents granted for obvious innovations? Are you 
| weary of hearing about old patents that are purchased by firms like Niro, 
| Scavone, Haller & Niro which "concentrates its practice in intellectual 
| property law" and became notorious as a hugely successful "patent troll"? Do 
| you think that the people suing Google, Apple and Microsoft for infringement 
| of a patent ludicrously granted for "a system and method for iconic software 
| environment management" that they claim covers thumbnail images should be 
| granted their day in court?        



Consortium launches 'LinuxDefenders'

,----[ Quote ]
| "Our activities by their very nature are a deterrent to Microsoft or any
| other company to engage in hostile action or rhetoric," he said. "We didn't
| acquire our existing patent portfolio by accident."


Linux, Open Source Get Patent Protection Program

,----[ Quote ]
| "The open source community is getting an IP rights tool that will limit
| distractions created from organizations that like to play the FUD [fear,
| uncertainty, doubt] game," he said. "We enthusiastically encourage the Linux
| and open source communities to contribute to Linux Defenders."


Web site launched to safeguard against patent trolls


Linux Defender - A new free initiative to protect open source software

,----[ Quote ]
| Such projects are extremely important to the long term future of open source,
| which by its nature is vulnerable to patent attacks. As open source grows and
| gains commercial acceptance, it becomes a more tempting target for patent
| trolls.


Linux Defenders to protect open source from patent suits

,----[ Quote ]
| The whole setup was apparently the brainchild of the Open Invention Network
| (the OIN registered the linuxdefenders.org domain, in fact), which appears to
| be patent-friendly twin of Linux defenders. The New York University's Center
| for Patent Innovation provided some of the intellectual foundations for the
| group, and maintains the sites devoted to patent peer review.
| Overall, this seems like a lot of effort to dedicate to simply staying out of
| trouble but, as the SCO case demonstrated, even spurious patent claims can
| keep open source software (and the companies that rely on it) tied up in
| court for years. Unless and until the patent system is reformed, Linux
| Defenders appears to be a necessary protective measure.


Linux patent pool to push for 'defensive publication'

,----[ Quote ]
| In coming weeks, OIN will reveal more details of the site, which Bergelt
| described as "a production environment where we educate and train people to
| do this. We'll work with them to make sure it's put in a form that is
| acceptable."
| The effort will serve as a counterpart to OIN's existing strategy, under
| which it provides its patents royalty-free to companies in exchange for a
| commitment that they won't assert their patents against the Linux system. Its
| backers include NEC, IBM, Novell, Philips, Red Hat, and Sony. Google, Oracle
| and Alfresco are among the licensees.


Join LiMo, avoid a patent pantsing from the big lads

,----[ Quote ]
| For all its talk of openness, just a quarter of the code in the LiMo
| Foundation's mobile platform is open source, making it a minefield to
| navigate in terms of protected patents - 300,000 patents to be precise.
| [...]
| Gillis said LiMo is on track to release the second version of its platform by
| the end of the year, with the software development kits (SDKs) for Native,
| Webkit and Java coming in the fourth quarter. A compliance program is planned
| for SDKs to ensure that applications written using the toolkits can be ported
| across different handsets, although there's no date for this yet.


Getting Inventive With Software Patents

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to talk to OIN's CEO, Jerry
| Rosenthal, who was with IBM for 37 years before setting up OIN. His comments
| about patent trolls – companies whose business is based purely around suing
| others for alleged patent infringement, rather than on making and selling
| things – and how to deal with them, are particularly interesting in the light
| of what has happened since the interview took place.



The relentless underhanded assault against Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Luckily, we have a heavy hitter on our side, as well. A coalition of
| companies, led by IBM, NEC, Novell, Philips, Red Hat and Sony, have created
| the Open Invention Network in order to provide Linux companies legal
| protection against these types of lawsuits.  


Alfresco Becomes Open Invention Network Licensee

,----[ Quote ]
| Alfresco Software has become an Open Invention Network licensee. Alfresco is
| one of the first Open Invention Network startup licensees, joining a growing
| number of leading information technology firms that are dedicated to
| maintaining the health, vitality and collaborative power of Linux.


Microsoft Gives OIN the Cold Shoulder

,----[ Quote ]
| “We are always evaluating licensing opportunities but don’t have
| anything specific to say about OIN. However, we remain committed to
| building bridges within the industry,” he said.
| That response is a little more vague than that from a Microsoft
| spokesperson who told eWEEK previously that “while Microsoft
| actively participates in a wide variety of industry organizations,
| the company has no plans to join the OIN at this stage.”


Microsoft spreads Linux patents FUD

,----[ Quote ]
| Could it have something to do with taking a big stick and little
| carrot approach to lucrative commercial deals, such as we have seen
| recently with the Novell 'we won't sue you if you jump into bed with
| us' pact? Or perhaps it is more a case of running scared from the
| big stick that the Open Invention Network (OIN), with members such
| as IBM, Philips and Sony at the helm, has been carving which might
| just be long enough to poke Microsoft in the eye and heavy enough
| to do some serious damage in the patent litigation department?


Awards and Moglen mark Red Hat Summit finale

,----[ Quote ]
| We discussed his personal history with Brad Smith, Microsoft's
| general counsel; the battle with Microsoft over its patent agreement
| with Novell, and what he would like for his students, programmers,
| and even reporters on the fringes of media corporations to learn
| about how to change the world.


US company in talks with IT firms to push Linux system

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Invention Network (OIN), a US firm funded by six companies
| including IBM and Red Hat, is exploring possibilities in India
| to spur innovation and protect the Linux systems widely seen as
| a slow but certain challenge to Microsoft's propriet ary Windows
| operating system.
| Linux is a free operating system and is gaining popularity with computer
| makers such as Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

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