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Re: Bill Gates predicts the future ..

Rex Ballard wrote:

When 2 of the largest PC retailers close all, or nearly all of their
stores, and can't pay for the inventory they've ordered.  That's a
pretty good sign that Vista is not a big asset to the PC sales.

You know what the consumers are saying. I don't have a job. I might not have a job in the near future. I don't know what the outlook is going to be for the US economy. I am losing my shit. Things are very bad here in the US and around the world economic wise. I can only afford the essentials and survive. A computer is not an essential to me. I don't need a computer. I need to put food on the table for me and my family. So, I won't be buying a new computer anytime soon.

I guess the old boy here has had his head buried in the sand for the last few months, and he totally out of touch with reality.

This man is an American, which makes this so sad and him look foolish.

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