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[News] Dangerous New Internet Laws Come Under Fire

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EU proposal puts confidential communications data at risk.

,----[ Quote ]
| Civil liberties groups La Quadrature du Net, European Digital Rights (EDRi) 
| and AK Vorrat are urging the European Parliament to heed advice given by the 
| European Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx and scrap plans 
| dubbed "voluntary data retention".   


The Publisher's Pushback against NIH's Public Access and Scholarly Publishing

,----[ Quote ]
| The dying light of the George W. Bush presidency was marked by, among other 
| things, a legislative move to derail recent gains in the federal government's 
| opening of science. In particular, the innocuous sounding “Fair Copyright in 
| Research Works Act” (HR 6845) introduced into the House by John Conyers, Jr. 
| (DEM-MI), on 9 September 2008 [1] was poised to shut down the National 
| Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy [2], as well as forestall the 
| spread of this open-access spirit to other areas of federally sponsored 
| research and scholarship. Hearings were held, but the bill did not make it 
| through the House. End of story? Not quite.        



Copyright dogmatism ridiculously strikes the European Parliament.

,----[ Quote ]
| Paris, Jan 26th - The European Parliament's committee for legal affairs
| (JURI) voted the Medina report on Copyright last week. This report goes
| against its initial objective to account on the failure of the 2001 copyright
| directive. It only contains ridiculous repressive measures dictated by the
| entertainment industries, and goes as far as denying the Commission's ongoing
| studies. Among its recommendations are "graduated response", content
| filtering, Internet service providers liability, denial of copyright
| exception, etc. It will be up to the Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to
| protect their electors by strongly rejecting this report.


Proposed EU Copyright Term Extension Faces Vocal Opposition In Parliament

,----[ Quote ]
| Strong opposition is being voiced by members of the European Parliament over
| plans to extend the copyright protection applying to sound recordings from 50
| to 95 years.
| Both left and right-leaning Parliament members (MEPs) have signalled that
| they intend to vote against the proposed extension at a crucial meeting of
| the assembly’s legal affairs committee scheduled for 11-12 February,
| rejecting arguments that the move is necessary to guarantee higher pay for
| session musicians.

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