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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Hates Americans... Moves Further Overseas (Cheap Labour/Wage Slavery)

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Hates Americans... Moves Further Overseas (Cheap Labour/Wage Slavery)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:54:07 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

There is also the story of corruption behind it. BillG's dad, William H. Gates
Sr., got together with the criminals (Abramoff) to pull strings in government.
This is exceptionally well documented, by BillG's press does not cover it

Microsoft layoffs have minimal impact in China; no immediate cuts in India

,----[ Quote ]
| Roughly 40 percent of Microsoft's 96,000 employees work outside the United 
| States. The company has subsidiaries in countries from Albania to Zimbabwe. 
| How are the layoffs announced last week impacting Microsoft's employees 
| around the globe?   
| [...]
| The Economic Times, part of Indiatimes, quoted a Microsoft spokesperson in 
| New Delhi last week saying of the layoff, "It's not going to impact us. No 
| job cuts in India."  


S'pore spared from Microsoft job cuts

,----[ Quote ]
| 'I can confirm that the number of employees affected by the immediate job 
| eliminations is a single-digit number across Asia-Pacific, excluding China, 
| India and Japan,' a company spokeswoman told BizIT.  


Boise workers to be affected by Microsoft job cuts

,----[ Quote ]
| The company would not disclose an exact number of layoffs in Boise, but 
| sources said the local impact would be less than a dozen jobs. 


Senator Wants Microsoft Job Cuts to Target Foreigners


Senator Quizzes Microsoft On Layoffs


Senator Questions Microsoft's H-1B Plans


Fire foreign workers first: Rep Sen to Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Majority of the 60,000 professionals given H-1B visa every year are from 
| India. 
| "Microsoft has a moral obligation to protect these American workers by 
| putting them first during these difficult economic times," the Senator said.  


Microsoft's H-1B Visa Controversy

,----[ Quote ]
| It was only last March that Bill Gates himself argued to Congress that the 
| H-1B visa limits needed to be lifted, because Microsoft just couldn't get 
| enough skilled workers. But Microsoft was going through a crazy manic phase 
| back then, as evidenced by its Yahoo infatuation. Now that Microsoft needs 
| fewer skilled workers, should the H-1Bs get the ax first?    


Microsoft Job Cuts, Visas Questioned by Senator



Open source developers face H1-B visa puzzle

,----[ Quote ]
| Many very capable open source developers don’t have a college degree and the
| program does not easily accommodate them.


Bill Gates to address Senate panel

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is scheduled to descend on Capitol Hill
| next week to pepper a U.S. Senate committee with his suggestions for
| boosting American competitiveness.


Study: There Is No Shortage of U.S. Engineers

,----[ Quote ]
| ...a new study from Duke University calls this argument bunk, stating
| that there is no shortage of engineers in the United States, and
| that offshoring is all about cost savings.


Is There a Shortage of U.S. Tech Workers?

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking before a Senate committee earlier this month, Gates said
| that America is facing a critical shortage of tech workers. He
| recommended boosting the number of H-1B visas to allow more foreign
| tech workers into the U.S.
| [...]
| "I think that has created an environment where the population of advanced
| skill workers has shrunk a lot in the U.S., because we just haven't created
| a fair system," he says. "Where if you go to other countries, you'll find
| national policy around broadband deployment, which creates a much more even
| playing field for people of all income levels to learn by and work by."
| "We did it to ourselves," he says.

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