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[News] Windows Worth Sinks Close to $0 Because of GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks

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Microsoft's Netbook Woes Also Mean Linux Yays ... Right?

,----[ Quote ]
| When Microsoft specifically cited netbook PCs as a big reason for its 
| weakening sales, the "L word" didn't get mentioned by name -- but it wasn't 
| difficult to tell this was the flip side of that news tidbit about 
| Linux-equipped netbooks being returned. So what's this mean for Win7 vs. 
| Linux in what is fast becoming the battleground for the new desktop?    


New features in the upcoming Easy Peasy 2.0 release  

,----[ Quote ]
| Easy Peasy (netbook optimized Ubuntu Linux) which was released a few weeks 
| ago will have a few nice new features in the upcoming 2.0 release, according 
| to developer Jon Ramvi.  


Netbooks hit right spot for schoolchildren

,----[ Quote ]
| Netbooks typically range in price from just over $300 to $800, depending 
| largely on the size of the screen and other extra features such as a bundled 
| wireless broadband plan for connecting to the internet when out of the house.  


Microsoft is in serious trouble.

They have already dropped margins nearly to $0 (in sub-notebooks). Mark
Shuttleworth heard from a credible source that it's the same in desk/laptops.

With an 11% decline, let the denial carry on. Beyond dumping there is not much
more that even a monopolist can do (bar bribery).


is there a long-term future for the netbook?

,----[ Quote ]
| The retail impact of Linux in the netbook market has been huge, with many
| retailers reporting that Linux based netbooks were taking up 40% or more of
| their notebook class shipments.


Linux Carried Along on Netbooks Wave

,----[ Quote ]
| Morvay revealed to Linux Magazine Online that there were no specific figures
| for Linux netbook sales, but that it lay somewhere in the 40th percentile.
| Even though this figure seems a little high, it is known that many of the
| world's netbooks have Linux on board since their first inception 18 months
| ago.
| For example, notebooks with Linux make up about 5.5% of the notebook market
| in Germany...

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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