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[News] Laws of the MAFIAA Want to Enter New Zealand, Ob[ama|iden] Puts MAFIAA in Charge

  • Subject: [News] Laws of the MAFIAA Want to Enter New Zealand, Ob[ama|iden] Puts MAFIAA in Charge
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:38:40 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

New Zealand copyright law changes shortsighted says head of Open Source Society

,----[ Quote ]
| The New Zealand Open Source Society (NZOSS) believes the upcoming changes to 
| New Zealand copyright law are shortsighted. 
| “Copyright law underpins all free and open source software (FOSS) licenses” 
| says Society President Don Christie. “It is an enormously important area of 
| law for the FOSS community the Society was established to represent.”  
| Just as is the case with the works of all artists, copyright is created 
| automatically when any computer software code is written. FOSS code is 
| licensed so that it can be freely redistributed and used by others, and also 
| for new software to be derived from the original code.   


Obama DOJ pick was anti-piracy enforcer

,----[ Quote ]
| President Barack Obama's choice for associate deputy attorney general will 
| likely please supporters of tough copyright laws and rile those who favor a 
| more liberal stance.  
| [...]
| Obama has already found an associate attorney general in Tom Perrelli, a 
| lawyer who has represented the Recording Industry Association of America on 
| high-profile cases, and Obama's vice president, Joe Biden, has a long history 
| of supporting the RIAA, CNet points out.   



RIAA Sued For Racketeering Yet Again

,----[ Quote ]
| A few people have filed lawsuits against the RIAA for racketeering in the
| past, though these charges have always been dismissed. In one such case,
| where the filed charges were dismissed over the summer, new claims were filed
| again charging the RIAA with racketeering for extortion, mail fraud and wire
| fraud in its ongoing efforts involving weakly supported threats against
| alleged file sharers demanding money to avoid being sued.

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