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Heartland breach blamed on "extremely sophisticated" malware ..

Doug Mentohl wrote:

Heartland Payment Systems was the victim of an unforseen malware attack that cannot be blamed on employee oversight, a company spokesman told SCMagazineUS.com on Thursday.

"An extremely sophisticated bug got into our system .. It absolutely was in no way caused by anyone's lack of attention to [security] ..


What kind of security system is it that can't detect malware or requires human attention in order to function ? And wasn't this 'sophisticated bug' precisely targeted to extract credit card data from your system.

'David Bergert .. said the data was likely lifted as it crossed "private lease lines," which are not required to be encrypted'

This is bullshit Dave, and you well know it :)

"But even if they were, cloaking these networks is difficult because of encryption format issues"

This is technological nonsense Dave

"Instead, other controls, such as firewalls and network segmentation, are recommended"

You cannot be serious, relying on a firewall instead of is one of the dumbest things I ever heard ..

"Service providers are a lot different than merchants in how they handle data," Bergert told SCMagazineUS.com on Thursday. "They're in the business of processing credit card details. There's a point in time where they need to send it in clear text to these other parties involved in the payment system."

This is *total* hogwash Dave, end-to-end encryption of a channel is trivially easy to do, at least if you knew what you were doing ..

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