On 2009-01-20, Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> One of the benefits of GNU/Linux compared to Windows is watching Free
> software grow and prosper!
When the economy goes south people have more trouble justifying the
expenses involved with using MS crapware. When the economy begins to
head back the other way, a large number of those who switched to Apache
will be comfortable enough with it to stay there, allowing them to save
the money they wasted on IIS so they have it for the next rainy day.
> Join the winning team, and get your Free Ubuntu CD at :-
> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
> In the January 2009 survey we received responses from 185,497,213 sites,
> reflecting an uncharacteristic monthly loss of 1.23 million sites.
> Apache's market share grew by more than 1 percentage point this month,
> extending its lead over Microsoft IIS, which has fallen to less than a
> third of the market. In total, Apache gained 1.27 million sites this month.
The perplexing part is that IIS ever made it to 1/3 of the market.
There really *is* one born every minute!
> Microsoft showed the largest loss this month, after more than 2 million
> blogging sites running on Microsoft-IIS websites expired from the survey.
Where did those 2+ million bloggers go? 1.27 million went to Apache.
The others were probably Windoze fanbois who gave it up completely
since there aren't any "wins" in MICROS~1's future.
> http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2009/01/16/january_2009_web_server_survey.html
In the fight between you and the world, back the world.
-- Frank Zappa