After takin' a swig o' grog, Phil Da Lick! belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Richard Rasker wrote:
>>> Yup, you guessed right! Not Mac, not Linux. Already 1% of computers
>>> running Redmond's crapware are infected, and the worst isn't over yet:
> This is one of the things I was referring to the other day in my where I
> stated MS have really *got* to get a grip with certain aspects of 7. If
> it's as easy to bork as vista and xp they've got a serious problem on
> their hands. Sooner or later, influencial decision makers will say
> enough is enough. The home market won't go quick but I can see business
> and government sectors looking for alternatives. More lock-in and
> lipstick will not be enough for 7.
Enough lipstick!
Lock lips with Linux!
<heh heh>
Might not be suitable for persons suffering from weak hearts.