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Re: Removing malware from an infected PC

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____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Sunday 18 January 2009 16:18 : \____

> MBAM [detected and removed] over 100 infections...[rebooted...then] I
> connected the suspect computer to my LAN and downloaded the latest
> MBAM updates which included an update to the software itself, from
> version 1.31 to 1.32. A full scan with the latest and greatest copy of
> MBAM found about 40 or so additional infections.

A month ago I heard a funny story from a guy who works at a computer store. It
turns out that Vista is a mess to clean up because UAC stands in the way even
when you try to clean up and remove a virus.

It's like digging deep ditches around you for 'safety', but when you come under
attack you run straight into the ditch, only to fall into it. Vista dug its
own grave.

Security is inherent; it's not an addon or a 'feature'.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | What is all that lipstick in XP's close button?
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