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[News] Time to Take Irresponsible Windows Users Off the Internet, Promote Linux

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It's time to start issuing PC licenses

,----[ Quote ]
| If you think I'm about to make fun of Windows users because one in three of 
| them haven't patched their PCs for a known security hole, which has been used 
| by the Conficker worm to infect more than a million Windows PC in 24-hours, 
| you'd be wrong. I'm also not going to make fun of Ubuntu Linux, because one 
| Dell user couldn't get Linux to connect to the Internet or run a word 
| processor.     


One-Third of Windows PCs Susceptible to Worm

,----[ Quote ]
| With nearly a third of all Windows systems still vulnerable, it's no surprise 
| that the "Downadup" worm has been able to score such a success, Kandek 
| said. "These slow [corporate] patch cycles are simply not acceptable," he 
| said. "They lead directly to these high infection rates."   


'Amazing' worm attack infects 9 million PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| Biggest infection in years, says Finnish security firm


What a huge black eye for Microsoft. How much is 320,000,000 + 9,000,000?


With Vista breached, Linux unbeaten in hacking contest

,----[ Quote ]
| The MacBook Air went first; a tiny Fujitsu laptop running Vista was hacked on
| the last day of the contest; but it was Linux, running on a Sony Vaio, that
| remained undefeated as conference organizers ended a three-way computer
| hacking challenge Friday at the CanSecWest conference.


Windows Update's Sneaky Updates

,----[ Quote ]
| "The only altered files that have been reported to date are 18 small
| executables used by WU itself. Microsoft is patching these files silently,
| even if auto-updates have been disabled on a particular PC."  


Microsoft reacts to kernel hacks, defends Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft wasn't much help in figuring out exactly what was beefed up by the
| PatchGuard update; the accompanying information was extremely vague. The
| MSRC's release manager, Simon Conant, was just as tight-lipped in a posting
| to the center's blog. "The update adds additional checks to Kernel Patch
| Protection for increased reliability, performance, and security," Conant
| said.    


Skeletons in Microsoft’s Patch Day closet

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the first time I’ve seen Microsoft prominently admit to silently
| fixing vulnerabilities in its bulletins — a controversial practice that
| effectively reduces the number of publicly documented bug fixes (for those
| keeping count) and affects patch management/deployment decisions.  


Beware of undisclosed Microsoft patches

,----[ Quote ]
| Forget for a moment whether Microsoft is throwing off patch counts
| that Microsoft brass use to compare its security record with those
| of its competitors. What do you think of Redmond’s silent patching
| practice?


Microsoft : Arrogance leads to Vulnerability

,----[ Quote ]
| Chatting with the Microsoft senior sales people, I was struck by
| their incredible arrogance. They know the company?s products are good,
| but they have no qualms whatsoever about charging top dollar as a
| result.
| It reminds us how Microsoft used to behave when it comes to their
| products' security records. IE5 and 6 were nothing short of being
| proper Swiss Cheese with loads of holes in them but hey, they had 95%
| of the browser market at that time and couldn't care less.


Why Linux is More Secure Than Windows

,----[ Gist ]
| Much better patch management tools...
| Much stronger default configuration...
| Modular Design...
| Better tools to protect against zero-day attacks...
| Open Source Architecture...
| Diverse Environment...


Linux Security: A Big Edge Over Windows


The problems with Vista laid bare - What might have been


Why Windows is less secure than Linux


Microsoft Windows: Insecure by Design


If Only We Knew Then What We Know Now About Windows XP


Why Windows is a security nightmare.


The Structural Failures of Windows


Bumper bundle of Windows updates includes Vista patches

,----[ Quote ]
| June's Patch Tuesday has brought a substantial crop of updates for Windows,
| including three critical patches for Vista =and other versions, calling into
| question Microsoft's "secure by design" claim for its latest operating
| system.


Nevis Labs Identifies Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Live OneCare

,----[ Quote ]
| Nevis Networks, a market leader in secure switching and identity-based policy
| enforcement appliances, today announced that Nevis Labs has identified
| vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Live OneCare.


Vista Called as Vulnerable as Predecessors

,----[ Quote ]
| It looks as if Vista's reputation for improved security could be heading for
| the pages of history. PC Tools has renewed last week's attack on the platform
| with new figures that appear to back up its claim that Vista is almost as
| vulnerable as its predecessors.


Vista security credentials tarnished in malware survey

,----[ Quote ]
| "[Vista]has been hailed by Microsoft as the most secure version of Windows to
| date. However, recent research conducted with statistics from over 1.4
| million computers within the ThreatFire community has shown that Windows
| Vista is more susceptible to malware than the eight year old Windows 2000
| operating system, and only 37 per cent more secure than Windows XP," said
| Simon Clausen, chief exec at PC Tools.


Vista as Insecure as Windows 2000


Study Says Linux More Secure

,----[ Quote ]
| More than 70 percent people surveyed said they found Red Hat Linux less
| vulnerable to security issues than Microsoft's operating system.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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