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[News] KDE Voted Project of the Year; Fun with Plasmoids

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KDE: Linux Format's Free Software Project of the Year

,----[ Quote ]
| recognizes stand out projects and members of the Free software world with 
| their Reader Awards. The readers of the magazine send in their votes, Linux 
| Format (LF) tallies them up and then publishes the results.  


Plasmoid prognostication

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| Plasmoids and maybe Plasma (or derivatives) itself on everything from 3'
| phone screens to 30' LCD panels, with every size of netbook and laptop 
| inbetween.  This, gentle readers, is why you stay forward thinking on 
| technology (Plasma framework decisions) and keep your usability experts 
| happy.  This can and will be massive.    



Crystal desktop search applet.

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| Over new year, I've been playing around with Strigi and Nepomuk, which are
| the two technologies around desktop search and "making sense of your data".
| Strigi is the underlying library that is used to analyze all sorts of files
| and index those results. Nepomuk provides a semantic layer on top of this
| information, and a nice KDE API for easy integration in applications. While
| Nepomuk is only lately maturing, it shows some nice ways to interact with
| information on your desktop. Nepomuk uses RDF and ontologies to make sense of
| your data. It has the concept of types of data (think of a photo being an an
| image), and how those types relate to each other. It also stores metadata
| (for the photo example, that'd be size, camera model, and so on.


OSCA Foundation, Nepomuk, and the Importance of Semantics

,----[ Quote ]
| Nepomuk was managed previously by the German Research Centre for Artificial
| Intelligence (please note that the previous link references a Wikipedia
| entry, as the official site isn't resolving currently). In December,
| Nepomuk's official funding ended, but it continues as an open source effort,
| and the newly incorporated Open Semantic Collaboration Architecture
| Foundation (OSCAF) plans on working closely with Nepomuk (and similar
| applications) to further new developments in semantic technology.


Plasma, Context and Nepomuk

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| Imagine if you will ... (ah, such a classic start! =) You are working on a
| work project involving Sarah and John and Marmaduke; you switch to working on
| your MySpace profile ... Let's call each state (the work project, MySpace
| fiddling) a "context" and changing between them a "context switch". What
| happens with the rest of the software running on your computer when you
| switch contexts? Answer: pretty much nothing. At least not automatically.


Nepomuk and KDE to introduce the semantic desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| If you follow technology trends, you have probably heard of the semantic
| desktop -- a data layer for annotating and sharing the information in your
| computer. But what you may not be aware of is that the semantic desktop is
| not a distant goal, but scheduled to arrive at the end of 2008. And, when it
| does, the idea will probably be implemented through the work done by the
| Nepomuk project, and, most likely, by KDE first.


Fetch, Nepomuk, fetch!

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| Search - a very important topic when it comes to data in general. The same is
| true for metadata and all that is Nepomuk. I blogged about the virtual
| folders idea for KMail which will be realized through Nepomuk. But before
| that there is the "simple" desktop search. We know it from systems like
| Beagle or Strigi. With Nepomuk, however, a lot more is possible. We are just
| getting started.    



Open Source Semantic Desktop Is Coming

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to the open source NEPOMUK (Networked Environment for Personalized,
| Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge) effort, the Semantic Desktop
| isn't a dream; it's an emerging reality and will be here with the upcoming
| release of KDE 4 for the Linux desktop.


More about Nepomuk-KDE: Soprano and KDE integration

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| As the central meta data storage Soprano will be accessible to all
| applications through the KDE application framework
| The storage itself will be filled in different ways. First, there is
| KMetaData: It provides easy to use functions for system developers to
| create and read meta data in storage. Think of applications where meta
| data are an essential part of the program: Digikam and Amarok are
| typical examples.


Semantic Desktop and KDE 4 - State and Plans of Nepomuk-KDE

,----[ Quote ]
| Nepomuk-KDE is the basis for the semantic technologies we will see in
| KDE 4. Sebastian Trüg, the main developer behind Nepomuk-KDE, provided
| me with some up2date information about the current state and future
| plans.


Nepomuk-KDE gets more attention - and better Dolphin integration

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently Madnriva published an announcement informing about the Nepomuk-KDE
| project in which Mandriva is heavily involved. This lead to more press
| coverage of Nepomuk-KDE.

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