On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 09:49:24 +1100, Terry Porter wrote:
> Now that the Microsoft betavista7 release is upon us, many Linux advocacy
> posts are currently being followed up like clockwork by these bozos, who
> must be sitting at their PCs waiting for new posts 24 hours a day:-
> Subject: 10 reasons to love Ubuntu, Performance, performance performance
> Message-ID: <gknleu$sb3$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Tony Manco 02:41
> Followups time
> Hadron 03:02
> john 03:16
> clogwog 02:56
> john 02:54
> The personal attacks on effictive Linux Advocates are also mounting with
> the anonymous Clogwog troll advertizing a webpage slandering several
> posters, using key words such as "employers worst nightmare' etc. The
> entire page reads like the Klu Klux Klan monthly.
> http://linuxidiots.blogspot.com/
> No one goes to this kind of effort without suitable motive, personally I
> smell Microsoft illegal, dirty and unethical tactics all over this.
Yes, & wintrolls who are desperate to try & smear Linux advocates.
Obviously Hadron Quack can 't be one, he's not listed! ;-)
But he is here, as is the Clogwog/K-man trolling idiot.