Roy Schestowitz wrote:
High Plains Thumper on Wednesday:
John (Gary M. Stewart) wrote:
The asshole known as trmanco, or tony manco, is a
hypocrite of the 1st order. [rest of flatfish droppings
No, rather Gary is the hypocrite. The charter of this group
[quote] 1.4 The Charter of comp.os.linux.advocacy
The charter of comp.os.linux.advocacy is:
For discussion of the benefits of Linux compared to other
operating systems.
That single sentence is the one and only charter of the
newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy. The newsgroup's charter is
for the newsgroup as a place for supporters of Linux to
gather to discuss Linux, for the betterment of the Linux
community and the promotion and development of Linux. It
supports this as a place for those who would like to learn
more about Linux to come to learn from those who know Linux.
It does not call for it to be a place where the anti-Linux
propagandists to gather in order to discredit Linux.
This is something that Gary has continuously violated for
nearly the past decade, if not more, resorting to ad hominem
attacks against the Linux advocate posting community.
Gary and Timmy -- two stalkers. Have they informed the police?
It is the eve of Windows 7, we will see more astroturfing in all
forums, pro articles from false linux advocates and ad nauseum.
Largest propogated lie so far is that Ubuntu is bloated.
I have already seen one article that claims it will be an Apple
OSX and Linux desktop killer, from a supposed Linux advocate.
Ubuntu runs fine on my Dell C600 laptop with 850 MHz Intel. It
runs a tad quicker than Windows 2000 on it. Gnome user interface
is straight forward, no hidden surprises, easy to use.
The greatest publicised deployments have been educational
institutions, 52 million student users in Brazil, Macedonia,
Indiana state schools, Russia, etc. Netbooks are selling and
people are discovering that Linux is a perfectly acceptable
alternative to Voleware. These users not only include those with
meagre incomes, but include lawyers, bankers, corporate leaders, etc.
The truth will prevail, something that these trolls simply do not
Quando omni flunkus moritati
(If all else fails, play dead)
- "Red" Green