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[News] Op-Ed: Another Great Year for Free Software Ahead

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Seven Predictions for Open Source in 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| 1. Adoption of open source software will increase as the economy worsens. As 
| the 2008 recession extends into 2009, it will change the software landscape 
| as the economic "shock" forces businesses to make structural changes to their 
| IT strategies to drive down costs. Open source software eliminates up-front 
| licensing costs and drives down the total costs of new projects. It also 
| introduces competition that will be used by customers to improve their 
| negotiating position with the oligopoly of proprietary software vendors that 
| dominate the market. Open source companies will see stronger year-over-year 
| revenue growth than the proprietary software sector. Growth rates for 
| propriety vendors will take a hit despite moves by traditional companies like 
| Oracle to actually raise prices during the economic downturn. Oracle's 45 
| percent increase on its BEA-acquired WebLogic application server, for 
| instance, is causing customer migration to JBoss' open source enterprise 
| application server.             


The difference a year makes

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2006/2007, most open source proponents argued that open source was the 
| only way forward for the software market. Vendors were advised to adopt the 
| open source business model completely or risk oblivion. Suggesting that there 
| was room for both business models within a software vendor's tool bag was an 
| unpopular stance, sometimes to parties on both sides of the discussion.     



2008 to be year of non-desktop Linux


2008: Not the year of the Linux desktop

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