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Re: Another user loves Ubuntu

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Tuesday 06 January 2009 00:02 : \____
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Hadron belched out
>>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>> Please, please take the time to read the thread about using command line
>>> to build drivers and applications. Note how Shearman is inadvertently
>>> supporting me and how Liarnut, like a puppy chasing his tale, is so
>>> excited at sucking up to everyone he is agreeing with Shearman AND
>>> Hilliard at the same time with ZERO idea about what is being debated.
>>> "Advocacy" is  alive and well in the new year. Lies and more lies and
>>> more elitist busllshit. How the hell Hilliard concludes the protecting
>>> people from various forms of command line building is "dumbing them
>>> down" is anyones guess. Liarnut's guess too, since he appears to be
>>> advocating it too. The fact that you can build from the command line in
>>> Windows too seems to elude them. The fact that users dont care a fig
>>> about it also.
>> You're barking up an imaginary tree.
> I know the guy is an arse, but is it necessary to compare it to a dog?
That's an insult to dogs for dogs are usually friendly and "hugable".
Quack is the total opposite of a dog, he's more like a jellyfish.

|_|0|_| Marti T. van Lin
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