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[News] [Rival] Vista 7 is Fat and Released Prematurely Due to Pressures

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What Windows 7 brings to the table

,----[ Quote ]
| No matter how Microsoft spins it, Windows 7 is not suitable for a netbook. 
| It's lighter than Vista was in terms of its impact on system resources, but 
| then, what isn't? If you want a cheap netbook with decent performance, you 
| want Linux. And, if you want one after Windows 7 starts shipping, you'll want 
| to check ones running Moblin or Google Chrome OS.     


Windows Update owns my machine

,----[ Quote ]
| So thank you, Microsoft. Your "awesome" Windows Update process needs some 
| work. Why is System Update not really done installing patches until you shut 
| down? This doesn't make sense to me. It should have installed those other 
| patches while the system was up, then let them take effect after reboot. I'm 
| most shocked that System Update had to "own" my machine when I was trying to 
| shut down.     



Windows 7 netbook performance: can MS make it faster?

,----[ Quote ]
| Why is this? What has Microsoft added to the RC code to slow things down? Why
| does XP still feel so much faster than Windows 7, when earlier Windows 7
| builds screamed along on netbooks in comparison?


Microsoft looking for Moore's Law to save Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| The jury is in about the performance of Windows 7 RC on netbook computers -
| it's as slow as a wet week. For Microsoft the "great white hope" is now
| Moore's Law. Will new entry level netbooks be powerful enough to prevent
| Redmond's second white elephant in a row?
| What is becoming increasingly clear is that Windows 7 is merely an attempt at
| damage control after Microsoft's monumental misreading of the market with
| resources hungry Vista.
| [...]
| The danger for Microsoft is that the challenges are coming thick and fast
| from all sides on the Linux front. Aside from Android and Ubuntu Remix, Intel
| has released its own Linux distro desgned specifically for Atom powered
| netbooks, Moblin 2.0.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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