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[News] Lighter and Better Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Only Are Coming

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Move Over Netbooks, Here Come Smartbooks

,----[ Quote ]
| Now that everybody has jumped on the Netbook bandwagon, a new mobile device 
| parade is pulling into town. Led by Qualcomm, so-called Smartbooks are slated 
| to debut in late 2009. Expected to be slightly larger than the iPhone, 
| Smartbooks are mobile Internet devices (MIDs) that run Windows, Google 
| Android and a range of Linux alternatives.    


Letter of Protest to ASUS

,----[ Quote ]
| What I told them was that I resent being forced to pay a "Microsoft PENALTY" 
| for a pre-installed operating system which I have no choice about, 
| particularly when there has previously been a choice and ASUS decided to take 
| that choice away from their customers.   



Microsoft to exclude ARM netbooks for Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's new Windows 7 operating system will not run on netbooks powered
| by ARM chips, Microsoft said on Wednesday...


Researcher: Chrome to boost Atom to ARM switch in netbooks

,----[ Quote ]
| LONDON — Technology changes, including the introudction of the Chrome
| OS, will undermine Atom's grip on the netbook market during a
| recessionary time when people don't want, and can't afford, a second
| laptop just to carry around say market researchers, The Information Network.
| While Intel's Atom holds more than an 80 percent share of the
| 23.5-million netbooks sold in 2009 the ARM processor will to gain a 55
| percent market share of the 96.0 million netbooks sold in 2012,
| according to researchers.
| "We see two technology factors converging with the poor macroeconomic
| situation that will create a market for ARM - the release of the
| Cortex-9 microarchitecture and the emergence of cloud computing," said
| Dr. Robert Castellano, president of The Information Network (New
| Tripoli, PA). "Chrome OS is the first operating system built with cloud
| computing in mind."

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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