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[News] The Impact of the Internet on Abundance (Code, Knowledge, Multimedia)

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This Is Wrong: 'Without The Content Industries, The Internet Would Be Empty'

,----[ Quote ]
| Oh really? Why not try it, and let's see. The quote, by the way, was brought 
| to us by Andrew Dubber, who properly calls Healey the "Wrongest Man on the 
| Internet, July 2009." However, this really is how some of these guys think. 
| They don't think that the internet really existed before they discovered it, 
| and they think that everyone logs onto YouTube just to catch the latest TV 
| clips. They don't realize that people use it to communicate and share and 
| collaborate -- and that's a lot more useful than using it to get fed some 
| mass market entertainment junk.       


Why information is its own reward - same neurons signal thirst for water,

,----[ Quote ]
| To me, and I suspect many readers, the quest for information can be an 
| intensely rewarding experience. Discovering a previously elusive fact or 
| soaking up a finely crafted argument can be as pleasurable as eating a fine 
| meal when hungry or dousing a thirst with drink. This isn't just a fanciful 
| analogy - a new study suggests that the same neurons that process the 
| primitive physical rewards of food and water also signal the more abstract 
| mental rewards of information.       



Plans for a documentary about Free Knowledge

,----[ Quote ]
| The other day I met with two filmmakers in Spain. They are planning to make a
| documentary about Free Knowledge in general. They would like to show to the
| general public the aspects and culture within the various communities,
| ranging from Free Software projects to the editors of Wikipedia, from people
| protecting public knowledge and culture to people fighting for keeping the
| internet open. And place these movements in perspective to the intents of
| corporate interests in the privatisation of knowledge and enclosure of our
| culture.

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