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[News] DistroWatch Newsletter Released for This Week

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DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 312, 20 July 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Welcome to the 29th issue of DistroWatch Weekly for 2009! Leading the news 
| this past week is Mandriva, who has released several new projects including 
| updated 2009 Spring USB and MLO Live CD editions, as well as Enterprise 
| Server 5. We also take a look at the issues and difficulties involved in 
| making CentOS 5.3 run on a netbook. Elsewhere this past week, Moblin benefits 
| with contributions from HyperSpace, while version 4 of ULTILEX is released - 
| a new distro which ships several other distros on a single live CD or USB 
| stick. We also include interviews with Richard Stallman and Mark 
| Shuttleworth, and finally a case study which looks at the relationship 
| between distributions and upstream projects. Have a great Monday and the rest 
| of the week!          



DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 311, 13 July 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Welcome to the 28th issue of DistroWatch Weekly for 2009! In the news this
| week, Slackware finally adopts ARMedslack as the official port for the
| project, while Ubuntu founder Shuttleworth talks about Karmic Koala, the
| release scheduled for October this year. We also link to an interview with
| Jono Bacon, the project's Community Manager. Our feature this week takes a
| nostalgic look back at some great Linux distributions that failed to survive.
| Elsewhere in the free software world, Google has announced their own Linux
| based operating system for netbooks and the BSD Magazine survives some tough
| times to continue printing. Have a great Monday and the rest of the week!


DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 307, 15 June 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| The delayed Fedora 11 was finally released last week. Does the new version of
| the popular distribution live up its standards? Did the delay help to squash
| all the bugs? And how does it fare in comparison with other desktop Linux
| products? Read our first-look review to find out. This week also sees the
| release of a new project to create more up-to-date installation media for
| FreeBSD. Currently shipping a 32-bit Xfce desktop, the project hopes to
| expand to many other areas, as needed. Meanwhile Fedora's Leonidas release is
| in full swing, but some users are encountering an issue when installing via
| the live CD as the system cannot yet boot from the default ext4 file system.
| Read on to discover the simple fix! Also, Debian derivative distribution
| sidux has copped some heat over its decision to remove non-free firmware from
| its 2.6.30 kernel, while Novell gets its users to help advertise their
| products with an online "Custom Geeko" creation tool. Finally, don't miss the
| freshly posted development roadmaps for Mandriva Linux 2010 and Fedora 12.
| Happy reading!

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