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[News] BPI Regrets Attack on Napster and The Pirate Bay Acquired for Millions (Deja Vu)

  • Subject: [News] BPI Regrets Attack on Napster and The Pirate Bay Acquired for Millions (Deja Vu)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 18:03:57 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

BPI Admits It Screwed Up Over Napster... But Why Should We Trust It Now?

,----[ Quote ]
| Except... that's not true at all. As a recent Harvard study showed, the 
| amount of money going into the "music ecosystem" has grown -- tremendously. 
| The only thing that's dropping is the sale of plastic discs.  
| In the meantime, considering BPI and others were so incredibly wrong 10 years 
| ago, and they're only willing to admit it now, why is it that they think 
| everyone should trust them now -- and that those of us who were actually 
| right 10 years ago should still be brushed off as wackos who just want stuff 
| for free? Perhaps it's time to start actually listening to those who have 
| been pointing out new ways to embrace what consumers want to do with music in 
| order to make more money.      


Global Gaming Factory X: Acquisitions of The Pirate Bay and New File - Sharing
Technology, p2p 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The listed software company, Global Gaming Factory X AB (publ) (GGF) acquires 
| The Pirate Bay website, http://www.thepiratebay.org, one of the 100 most 
| visited websites in the world and the technology company Peerialism, that has 
| developed next generation file-sharing technology. Following the completion 
| of the acquisitions, GGF intends to launch new business models that allow 
| compensation to the content providers and copyright owners. The 
| responsibility for, and operation of the site will be taken over by GGF in 
| connection with closing of the transaction, which is scheduled for August 
| 2009.         



Napster to replace AOL Music Now

,----[ Quote ]
| Napster hired investment bank UBS in September to explore a
| sale. Once synonymous with online music, the company was forced
| to close in July 2001 after a series of legal battles over 
| piracy and copyright infringement.

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