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[News] How to Sell Free Software

Are we mis-selling 'open source'?

,----[ Quote ]
| No weird feelings, no dissonance, no FUD.
| To summarise. Child psychology warns us about exclusivity and what happens 
| when communication clues move out of the strictly rational. 
| Basically, when dealing with proprietary and FOSS software, start off with 
| top level stuff and it starts off the exclusion conflict. 
| Start with properties and the potential customer has a chance of following 
| the reasoning and we avoid the flowers 



Linux doesn't need marketing

,----[ Quote ]
| Most Linux adepts will agree Linux could have a higher market share than it
| does today, if it had been marketed more effectively in the past. Therefore,
| lots of those adepts stress “Linux needs more marketing!” Some efforts have
| been done, most notably I remember the Indy 500 car which advertised Linux,
| and more recently the "We're Linux" Video Contest by Linux Foundation. One
| question hasn't been answered as of yet however: What's the goal of marketing
| Linux?


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