Verily I say unto thee, that Kelsey Bjarnason spake thusly:
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:57:07 +0100, Homer wrote:
>> It's relevant - not in the sense of what you lose, but in the sense
>> of what you should never have gained to begin with.
> Right, because, of course, every business developing new ideas should
> be mandated to hand over those ideas immediately
Those ideas are not those companies' property to "hand over" in the
first place, objectively speaking. In law - yes, but not intrinsically.
Like I wrote:
"The fact is that you (or your company) can never prove incontestably
that you were the first, or even the /only/ person(s) to conceive
this idea, and you certainly can't prove that this knowledge is in
no way derivative of earlier and more fundamental knowledge,
therefore your inalienable "right" to claim exclusive ownership and
control of it is highly questionable"
> because this, obviously, is the best possible thing for its future,
> its workers, its shareholders. None of that silly-ass stuff about,
> oh, actually making money matters.
It matters, but there is more than the false dichotomy of just this one
way of "making money". I'm sure it also "matters" to bank robbers that
they be successful, should that mean we support their endeavours?
> Tell you what, Skippy, how about you toss that notion out to 1,000
> random companies pouring millions - or billions - into R&D and see
> how well that notion goes over.
If the extent of this activity somehow lends credence to its
justification, then presumably you also support the idea that copyright
"piracy" is equally justified, since by all accounts it is a global
> Want to take wagers?
No, I believe you. Intellectual Monopoly is indeed a widespread problem.
> I'll take the side that says they're going to laugh out out on your
> ass.
Let them. Should I be concerned about being mocked by those engaged in
unethical behaviour?
> You take the side that says they're going to think this is the
> smartest idea anyone's ever had.
No. I understand explicitly that they oppose any measures designed to
stop this injustice.
> We'll put, say, a kilobuck on it.
> Yeesh.
Well certainly that's another way of making money, although I think you
may be headed in the wrong direction.
| "The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which
| the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf
| denounces him for the same act, as the destroyer of liberty.
| Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of
| the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails today
| among human creatures." ~ Abraham Lincoln
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