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[News] China Embraces Free Software in the Public Sector

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"It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than
when there's not."

                                --Bill Gates

Actuate Survey: Open Source Booming in China, Germany and Other Regions

,----[ Quote ]
| It's no secret that certain parts of the world favor open source more than 
| others do. Today, Actuate, which specializes in open source business 
| intelligence applications, is out with its fourth annual open source survey 
| results. The results are based on responses from global business and I.T. 
| professionals from the financial services sector, public sector and the 
| manufacturing industry. This year the survey also included Chinese 
| respondents. Here are some of the highlights from the results.      


4th Actuate Annual Open Source Survey Includes China; Attracts a Record Number
of Responses



Survey - "Show us the code" says China

,----[ Quote ]
| Elsewhere in the world, the survey confirmed the general trend that open
| source software is now mainstream for enterprises. In North America, 41 per
| cent were already using open source, with almost another ten per cent
| planning to adopt or already adopting. France continues to lead the way in
| Europe, with 67 per cent already using open source, followed by Germany at
| 60.6 per cent and the UK trailing at 42 per cent. Attitudes to open source
| adoption repeat the pattern with those who feel benefits outweigh other
| issues coming in at 47 per cent in the UK, down from 54 per cent in 2008,
| while in Germany, 62 per cent believed that to be true. Another problem for
| the UK is that 22.4 per cent of the respondents in the UK say they are still
| monitoring developments in open source, but have not yet begun evaluating it.


International Open Source Comunity focus on China

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| The OW2 Consortium, an independent industry community dedicated to developing
| open source middleware announced the launch of its Chinese web platform.


Chinese ordered to stop using pirate software

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| Officials push for Linux OS
| A CITY IN CHINA has required Internet café operators to replace pirated
| software with legitimate versions – the officials primarily pushing Linux.


Chinese city requires Net cafes to use legitimate software

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| As part of Nanchang's crackdown on pirated software, officials apparently
| struck a deal with a local Red Flag Linux distributor to install licensed
| software and provide two years of support for 5,000 yuan ($725 U.S.).
| [...]
| Red Flag Linux is a version of the Asianux Linux distribution, jointly
| developed by China's Red Flag, South Korea's Haansoft, and Japan's Miracle
| Linux. The desktop version of the software is free, but Red Flag and its
| distributors charge users for the server version, as well as for support to
| help companies install and manage the software.
| Some Internet cafe owners were unhappy with the fee, and complained they are
| prevented from using other Linux distributions.
| "You have to install Red Flag Linux, and pay 5,000 yuan," complained one user
| on the Jiangxi discussion forum (in Chinese). "If you are using a different
| Linux distribution, they just say it's pirated!"


Chinese flex muscles in Microsoft piracy fight

,----[ Quote ]
| When Microsoft rolled out its latest anti-piracy initiative this year, it was
| not aimed at any particular country. Windows Genuine Advantage, a tool that
| identifies users of counterfeit software and pushes them to buy the real
| thing, was launched worldwide in several geographical blocs.
| But Microsoft ran into trouble when the roll-out hit China last month. While
| users in other markets kept silent when hit by one of WGA’s more extreme
| features, a mechanism that blackens the desktop background on computers found
| to be using counterfeit Windows, their Chinese peers broke into a storm of
| anger, forcing Microsoft officials in the country into damage control mode.


Microsoft's Chinese Folly

,----[ Quote ]
| No less than Bill Gates himself said in a recent Fortune article that
| Microsoft competes better against Linux in China when there's piracy than
| when there isn't.
| So, Microsoft actively looks the other way as people pirate its software. It
| builds its market share that way, and lets people get used to the idea of
| having Windows at a certain price.


Microsoft accused of hacking in piracy clampdown

,----[ Quote ]
| Across China thousands of computer screens are turning dark. The reason is a
| piece of software from a US firm.
| Software giant Microsoft is deactivating unauthorised copies of its Windows
| operating system, in a nation where 82% of all software is pirated – even if
| many end users do not know it.


Chinese fume at Microsoft anti-piracy

,----[ Quote ]
| China's vocal bloggers seemed stunned that their computers seemed to have
| phoned Microsoft for the anti-piracy tool without asking.
| "The computer is mine", one angry blogger penned, "Microsoft has no right to
| control my hardware without my agreement", the poor fool thought.


Microsoft sued in China for black screen of death

,----[ Quote ]
| A Chinese lawyer has filed a legal complaint against Microsoft for installing
| Windows Genuine Advantage on his computer. He has asked the Ministry of
| Public Security to file criminal charges against Microsoft.

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