After takin' a swig o' grog, cc belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> On Jun 26, 8:10 am, Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, High Plains Thumper belched out
>> > That is exactly what is happening in this newsgroup. As soon as
>> > a potentially positive thread on Linux develops, trolls start
>> > their attacks.
>> Yup, led by the Three Stooges: DFS, Flatfish, and Hadron.
> Except that there isn't a way to bury a post on Usenet.
Oh yes there is. Find the true fact in the following (slightly modified)
extract from COLA:
>>> "Moshe Goldfarb." writes:
>>>> On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 19:25:05 +0200, Hadron wrote:
>>>>> Hilarious. Note the change of tone as Liarnut gets schooled again. You
>>>>> can tell he was being derisory and shilling Ignoramous from the "let"
>>>>> bit. He actually thought, like most of the tits in this NG, that
>>>>> Windows servers do not have such facilities. They still confuse their
>>>>> Win 3.1 days with corporate server infrastructures.
>>>> LiarMutt tends to be wrong about a lot of things and his "scatter
>>>> shilling" of Roy and others posts just confirms his total ignorance.
>>>> It is funny watching him scramble around attempting damage control
>>>> after
>>>> one of his screw ups.
>>> I particularly enjoyed this "damage control". It was such a blatant
>>> about turn and his "homely, pally friendly techy" ruse did not obscure
>>> the egg yolk dripping off his nose once more.
>>> Lets revisit it with commentary!
>>> Linux is good for high fidelity easy listening.
>>> Liarmutt, all sneering condescension:
>>> 'How do you "let" the Windows machines do that?'
>>> Tom, polite but cold, factual and accurate:
>>> 'Group Policy and WSUS.'
>>> (you could almost hear the "you ignorant dickhead" tacked onto the end)
>>> Liarnut, all flustered and red faced knowing its too late to get out
>>> of it but trying anyway:
>>> 'Ah, thanks Tom! (As you can tell, I don't do much Windows maintenance,
>>> DFS's demented shriekings to the contrary.)'
>>> Also notice the reference to DFS who knows more about Windows than
>>> Liarnut ever could. A smoke screen attempting to shield the viewers eyes
>>> from Liarmutt's red face and cold sweat that resulted from being owned
>>> again.
>> Good analysis!
>> Kelsey tends to do the same thing BTW.
> And if you don't want to read the disruptive posts, then KILLFILE
> them! You two are complaining about burying good threads, but you two
> respond to "trolls" more than anyone but Rick. For fucks sake you're
> complaining about a problem that has a simple solution.
It's not a general solution, cc. It's a partial solution for specific
boundary conditions (e.g. posts read only by me).
By the way, thanks for making me revisit the Insane Quark Trolls ravings.
What a shit generator that fuckhead is!
You have a truly strong individuality.