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[News] Free Software Makes the Business Press

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Ingres: An Open Source Rival to Oracle

,----[ Quote ]
| I’ve been following the path of Ingres Corp. ever since Terry Garnett and 
| David Helfrich of Garnett & Helfrich Capital bought it from CA a few years 
| back and made it into an independent company once again. Ingres and MySQL are 
| the main open-source alternatives to Oracle in the database software market. 
| Now that Oracle is buying Sun Microsystems, which owns MySQL, you’ve got to 
| figure that Oracle will starve MySQL once it owns it—eliminating what had 
| until now been a potent rival in the Web site market. Ingres is emerging as 
| the last bastion of opposition within the open source world.       


Magento's open-source e-commerce platform makes progress--Q&A

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source continues to move beyond its original confines of infrastructure 
| software. Open-source application adoption is booming, while even the 
| curmudgeonly router market is getting some open-source polish from Vyatta.   



Ingres Says 'I Do' To Facebook Wedding Application

,----[ Quote ]
| Ingres, supplier of an open source database system, has said "I do" to
| building a new Facebook application for planning weddings.
| It now serves as the database underlying a social networking site, Connected
| Weddings, where the personal interests of friends and relatives may result in
| their being seated together.


Ingres "code sprint" yields new features

,----[ Quote ]
| Among the new features created at the event were a compressed backup option
| to save space when archiving databases, an enforced logging system for
| databases and the ability to suspend logging when copying a database, a
| command line history for the Ingres SQL utility and improved Soundex routines
| for better matching. Emma McGratten of Ingres, who organised the sprint
| said "It's a testament to the open source community when we can get together
| and make improvements on features and programs that are being used every day,
| by the people who depend on them".

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